Your October photos included late season arthropods and fungi, and a number of landscape scenes featuring water, mountains, and fall foliage. Susan Margolis dazzled with a macro shot of a…
Reader Photo Gallery
September 2021
Your September photos included mountain scenes and bright leaves, chicken of the woods fungi in the woods and American lady butterflies out in the fields. Michelle Wainer encountered a…
August 2021
Your August photos showed woody landscape scenes, as well as an abundance of late summer small life, from a temporarily blue-eyed snake to the unfortunately named bleeding teeth fungi.…
July 2021
Many of your July photos had a fungal theme, from Jay Remington’s crowd of Amanitas, to Dan Zucker’s toga mantleslug lounging on a mushroom. Insects – pollinators and…
June 2021
Birds featured in many of your June photos. Don Wharton welcomed a visit from a famous white robin and Geoffrey Bluh documented the happy resolution of a perilous woodcock chick crossing,…
May 2021
In May, you often turned your lenses on owls. Fuzzy barred fledglings peered down at Gary Campbell from a tree, while Kirk Gentalen investigated the grisly remains of a saw-whet’s past…
April 2021
Your April photos showed sunny scenes of flowers blooming, newly arrived migratory birds, and snow-fed streams and lakes. All that bright light inspired some wildlife napping: Sally Duston…
March 2021
Many of your March photos showed winter birds, from crossbills to a blizzard of snow geese. John Snell shared a thermal image of skunk cabbage (a plant that gets an early start by generating…
February 2021
Your February photos showed vivid sunrises and sunsets, unusual ice formations, and people outside enjoying the snow. Kit Hood captured an image of a vivid blue-and-purple ice seep, and Gordon…
January 2021
Your January photos included beautiful landscape and sky scenes, birds in snow, and people (plus Dahlia the Corgi) outside enjoying winter recreation. Lonnie Jandreau encountered a…
December 2020 - Part Two
In your second gallery of December images, Peter Hollinger took a stunning macro shot of a snowflake, Tami Gingrich sought out short-eared owls, and Eric D’Aleo applied the cloud gazing…
December 2020 - Part One
Due to the high volume of photo submissions, we’ve again divided our Reader Photo Gallery into two batches. In this first gallery, you contemplated a variety of tracks and funky ice…
November 2020 - Part Two
In your second November gallery, Megan O’Toole found a wood frog hunkered down in the leaf litter, Dahlia the Corgi posed in a bright red field of blueberries, and Jack Nelson discovered…
November 2020 - Part One
Yet again, we received many gallery submissions, so we’re sharing selections in two batches. In this first gallery, Steve Eustis admired the final logs from a harvest, Matt DeLuca…
October 2020 - Part Two
In your second gallery, AM Dannis captured spooky images of a Halloween “Hunter’s Moon,” Vin Lawrence withstood a bluebird invasion, and Kelly Stettner admired bright red…
October 2020 - Part One
We received many submissions to our October gallery, and are therefore (once again) dividing them into two batches. In this first gallery, many of you documented beautiful autumn landscapes,…
September 2020 - Part Two
Suffering stinkhorns! Your second gallery for September includes two species of these strange and super-stinky fungi. Sherry Larsen photographed a bumblebee at the moment it entered a closed…
September 2020 - Part One
As in preceding months, we’ve divided reader photos into two galleries, to be published with succeeding newsletters. In this first gallery, Frank Gorga discovered an especially well…
August 2020 - Part Two
In this second installment of our August Reader Photo Gallery, Harriet Szanto discovered a hummingbird perched in a tree, Ron Becker found a red admiral perched on boneset, and Eric and Amy…
August 2020 - Part One
Crawling cecropia caterpillars! Your August photos – which we have, once again, divided into two galleries – featured a variety of insect life. In this first gallery, Jamie Pearson…