Your February photos revealed the first glimmerings of spring. Sugar makers tapped trees in preparation for the first sap run, and beavers ventured from the ice. Meanwhile, winter timber…
Reader Photo Gallery
January 2019
Beaver dams, ice formations, and winter wildlife were common themes for January. A sun dog glowed in the Pennsylvania sky, and a mostly-white squirrel haunted a Vermont feeder. In Maine,…
December 2018
In your December photos, a young piebald deer encountered a mature buck, an otter crossed the snow at sunrise, and a horse and rider travelled an old road-turned-trail. Photographer Ken Hatch…
November 2018
Your November images documented early winter snow, as well as artifacts of summer life, revealed now that the leaves have fallen. Squirrels hoarded mushrooms, a bull moose peered out from a…
October 2018
Peak foliage occurred at precisely 2 p.m. on Monday, October 8, and we have the photo to prove it. Your images reflected the shiftiness of the season – a red-backed salamander was still…
September 2018
Your September photos revealed an abundance of fungus, from a toothy mane to a family-sized toadstool to a mushroom with Marilyn Monroe aspirations. Children fished, a fawn snoozed, and beach…
August 2018
Deer appeared in many of your August photos. In South Trescott, Maine, Nate Rosebrooks documented one month’s antler growth in the same young buck he photographed in July. In New York,…
July 2018
Your July photos depicted summer in all of its rich color and life. Flying insects were a frequent theme, including some spectacular images of giant moths, and a cheering number of images of…
June 2018
Nests and eggs were frequent subjects of your June images - turtles, birds, wasps, and even a fungus "nest" were pictured. A Canada jay surveyed its domain, an enormous black snake…
May 2018
What a difference a month makes. Your May images featured new life, flowers, and green scenes – a marked change from April's mud and snow. An eastern box turtle climbed a hill, white…
April 2018
Your April photos showed the forest in transition, from a snowshoe hare shedding its white coat to red maple buds opening in the sun. Fox kits played and an eastern comma butterfly emerged…
March 2018
March’s charm is not obvious to everyone, but submissions to this month’s gallery show your appreciation for its subtle beauty. Several of these images document quiet seasonal…
February 2018
“Some say the world will end in fire; some say in ice.” - Robert Frost Your February photos show ice holding the upper hand, but flames burned, too, as people in Montpelier set…
January 2018
Your photos this month hewed to landscape and ice scenes, reflecting the stillness and extreme cold that began the year. Flooding and freezing along the Androscoggin created an icy high water…
December 2017
Winter’s chill takes many forms in this month’s photo gallery. It appears in ice thorns on a blackberry cane, in the pillowed contours of a snowy stream, and on a mountain ridge…
November 2017
In your November photos, a bear waved, a squirrel sunbathed, and a mature buck faced down the camera. Ducks swam through foliage reflected on water, and hikers explored an old quarry.…
October 2017
Berries abound in your October photos, which depict a basket full of lowbush or true cranberries, so-called highbush cranberries hanging from a Viburnum, and the lovely but toxic fruit of blue…
September 2017
In your September photos, sunlight performs captivating tricks: making rainbows appear in the mist, brightening leaves in the understory, and pulling an afternoon shadow across a…
August 2017
In the words of Sarah Orne Jewett, late summer is a time when “the spirit of autumn takes a first stealthy flight, like a spy, through the ripening countryside.” Your August photos…
July 2017
Your July photos captured the remarkable diversity of life forms that inhabit northern woodlands – animals that waddle, paddle, hop, and scamper, others that flutter, crawl, and glide.…