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Decorative woodsy background

February 2021

Your February photos showed vivid sunrises and sunsets, unusual ice formations, and people outside enjoying the snow. Kit Hood captured an image of a vivid blue-and-purple ice seep, and Gordon Gould found a mouse nest festooned with snakeskins. Speaking of snakes, Laurie D. Morrissey discovered a  rare (one of its kind?) arboreal “northern snow snake.” Charles Stock took a stunning drone photo of the Upper Connecticut River Valley, and Rob Reiber documented bear and bobcat tracks.

This gallery appears in our bi-weekly e-newsletter. Sign up here!

February 2021 Photo: Liz Burrows
Middlebury, VT. “Enjoying the woods on wheels.” | Photo: Liz Burrows
February 2021 Photo: Ben Haubrich
Francestown, NH. A leucistic blue jay. | Photo: Ben Haubrich
February 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Kellyburg, PA. “Bucking on the landing.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
February 2021 Photo: Kimberly Rumrill
Stoddard, NH. “Sunrise over Pitcher Mountain Farm.” | Photo: Kimberly Rumrill
February 2021 Photo: Gordon Gould
Waterford, VT. “I have found a lot of mouse nests in our wood shed over the years, but I have never found one made from a recycled snake skin.” | Photo: Gordon Gould
February 2021 Photo: Kit Hood
South Royalton, VT. A frozen seep with remarkable coloration. “Blue and purple icicles.” | Photo: Kit Hood
February 2021 Photo: Shari Larsen
Huntington, VT. “Snow creatures (actually frost covered trees) on the summit of Camel's Hump.” | Photo: Shari Larsen
February 2021 Photo: Alex Barrett
Newfane, VT. “A forester checking in on a harvest.” | Photo: Alex Barrett
February 2021 Photo: Rob Reiber
Lincoln, VT. Bobcat tracks. “You can almost see the bobcat sitting at the base of the tree.” | Photo: Rob Reiber
February 2021 Photo: Tammis Coffin
Lenox, MA. “Thought I was taking a photo of a raindrop in the February woods, but then I saw the woods inside the raindrop.” | Photo: Tammis Coffin
February 2021 Photo: Barb Mackay
Westfield, VT. “Tunneling through a snowy world on the Long Trail.” | Photo: Barb Mackay
February 2021 Photo: Anna Lewis - Northern Lens
Fort Kent, ME. “Fox basking in the sunshine on a chilly morning.” | Photo: Anna Lewis - Northern Lens
February 2021 Photo: John Snell
Montpelier, VT. “Ice patterns on the Winooski from the Bailey Street bridge.” | Photo: John Snell
February 2021 Photo: Elsie Ess
Lyme, NH. “Ice spicules.” | Photo: Elsie Ess
February 2021 Photo: Rob Reiber
Lincoln, VT. A bear track. “Last day of February on snowshoe trail.” | Photo: Rob Reiber
February 2021 Photo: Jerry Sanders
Fairwater, WI. A winter morning on the Grand River. (This photo was taken in January, but just missed our last gallery deadline). | Photo: Jerry Sanders
February 2021 Photo: Hale Morrell
Dummerston, Vermont. “Fox scent marking with Biltmore stick for scale.” | Photo: Hale Morrell
February 2021 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lyman, NH. “Poplar leaf partially exposed during the recent warm weather.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
February 2021 Photo: Jess Weitz
Marlboro, VT. “Interesting window created from pulled back bark on a yellow birch tree to very curious concentric circles.” | Photo: Jess Weitz
February 2021 Photo: Charles Stock
Plainfield, NH. “Sunset over the Connecticut River looking to Mt. Ascutney.” (The photographer noted that he captured this image by using a drone). | Photo: Charles Stock
February 2021 Photo: Jack Nelson
Plainfield, MA. “A Carolina wren in its northern range.” | Photo: Jack Nelson
February 2021 Photo: Bonita Choly
Pownal, VT. “The overwhelming weight of winter.” | Photo: Bonita Choly
February 2021 Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. “These goldfinches are very grateful that these thistle socks are provided as a winter food source.” | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
February 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Elimsport, PA. A northern flicker feeding on staghorn sumac. “Sumac seeds are eaten by a wide variety of birds.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
February 2021 Photo: Tom Nold
Shelburne, VT. “Evening in an old sugarbush.” | Photo: Tom Nold
February 2021 Photo: Kelly Kiel
Brookfield, VT. “Beech leaf in Snow!” | Photo: Kelly Kiel
February 2021 Photo: Tom Grett
Adirondacks, NY. “My wife Nancy with a delightful friendly red-breasted nuthatch in the Adirondacks.” | Photo: Tom Grett
February 2021 Photo: Sharon Flanagan
Highgate Springs, VT. “Cross-country skiing in a farm field, Feb 13.” | Photo: Sharon Flanagan
February 2021 Photo: Susan E. March
Marcellus, NY. “Light snow during an afternoon walk in the woods.” | Photo: Susan E. March
February 2021 Photo: Laurie D. Morrissey
Hopkinton, NH. “Northern Snow Snake, known for its arboreal ability.” | Photo: Laurie D. Morrissey
February 2021 Photo: Sarah Cummings
Colebrook, NH. “Bobcat.” | Photo: Sarah Cummings
February 2021 Photo: Pam Landry
Ashfield, MA. “A winter tangle of native virgin’s bower and invasive oriental bittersweet.” | Photo: Pam Landry
February 2021 Photo: Linda Rhodes
Durham, NH. An impressive beaver dam. “On the Sweet Trail.” | Photo: Linda Rhodes
February 2021 Photo: Marion Simao
Riverton, CT. “‘Me and my shadow.’ Hooded merganser.” | Photo: Marion Simao
February 2021 Photo: Grace McCulloch
Pembroke, NH. “A sunset the day after a February ice storm.” | Photo: Grace McCulloch
February 2021 Photo: Marie Martell
Dublin, NH. “Beavers at work.” | Photo: Marie Martell
February 2021 Photo: Danielle Durocher
Jefferson, NH. “Nature's cathedral.” | Photo: Danielle Durocher
February 2021 Photo: Tom Grett
Adirondacks, NY. “A downy woodpecker in the Adirondacks.” | Photo: Tom Grett
February 2021 Photo: Gail Cameron
Willington, CT. “Who says winter is dreary?” | Photo: Gail Cameron
February 2021 Photo: Grace McCulloch
Pembroke, NH. “A male hairy woodpecker perches on an ice covered branch.” | Photo: Grace McCulloch
February 2021 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Looking southeast to the Franconia Range from Dalton Mountain (Mt. Lafayette to the right, Mt. Garfield to the left, Forest Lake in the foreground).” | Photo: AM Dannis
February 2021 Photo: Janet Innes Bumstead
Burlington, CT. “Snow fell off the log but stayed in one piece.” | Photo: Janet Innes Bumstead
February 2021 Photo: Liz Burrows
Ripton, VT. “Skiing in the Green Mountain National Forest.” | Photo: Liz Burrows
February 2021 Photo: Susan Lichty
Lempster, NH. “Ice.” | Photo: Susan Lichty
February 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Cogan House, PA. “A mix of very old (wooden spiles) and new (plastic jugs) to gather maple sap in 2021.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
February 2021 Photo: Shari Larsen
Stowe, VT. “Sheep feeding next to a wood shed on a cold winter day.” | Photo: Shari Larsen
February 2021 Photo: Amy Johnson
Indian Head, NY. “OK Slip Falls on February 21st.” | Photo: Amy Johnson
February 2021 Photo: Eric D'Aleo
Plymouth, NH. “Rest after a work day in the woods.” | Photo: Eric D'Aleo
February 2021 Photo: Deb Clough
Tamworth, NH. “Great conifers.” | Photo: Deb Clough
February 2021 Photo: Susan E. March
Marcellus, NY. “Flock of snow buntings in the hedgerow in rural Marcellus.” | Photo: Susan E. March
February 2021 Photo: Alex Barrett
Andover, VT. “100 years of pine growth.” | Photo: Alex Barrett
February 2021 Photo: John Snell
Montpelier, VT. “Camel's Hump from North Street.” | Photo: John Snell
February 2021 Photo: Sarah Cummings
Colebrook, NH. Canada jay (also called a gray jay or whiskey jack). | Photo: Sarah Cummings
February 2021 Photo: Holt Thrasher
Greenwich, CT. “Ice crystals shaped by swirling winds.” | Photo: Holt Thrasher
February 2021 Photo: Torrey Crossman
Fairfield, VT. A winter mystery. What happened here? The body of a dead mole appears at the end of the track. | Photo: Torrey Crossman
February 2021 Photo: Sue Mayotte
Nottingham, NH. “Who passed through here? Perhaps a raccoon looking for love?” | Photo: Sue Mayotte
February 2021 Photo: Janice Muehlberg
North Scituate, RI. “Pileated woodpecker.” | Photo: Janice Muehlberg
February 2021 Photo: Danielle Durocher
Franconia, NH. “Old maple sugar shack.” | Photo: Danielle Durocher
February 2021 Photo: Tom Grett
Adirondacks, NY. “An infrequent visitor to our feeders. Yellow-bellied sapsucker in the Adirondacks.” | Photo: Tom Grett
February 2021 Photo: Sarah O. Green
East Topsham, VT. “Old stone wall with several layers of snow.” | Photo: Sarah O. Green
February 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Elimsport, PA. “Several chickadees were tearing apart the seed heads of broad-leaved cattails.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
February 2021 Photo: Cindy Morin
Pownal, ME. “Late afternoon shadows on the snow and a rock cairn.” | Photo: Cindy Morin
February 2021 Photo: Jere Wrightsman
Chatham, NY. “Barred owl on a cold afternoon.” | Photo: Jere Wrightsman
February 2021 Photo: Grace McCulloch
Pembroke, NH. “A female red-bellied woodpecker looks at me as I take her photograph.” | Photo: Grace McCulloch
February 2021 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Sunstar captured through the trees during late day snowshoe on a woodland trail.” | Photo: AM Dannis

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

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