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Reader Photo Gallery

July 2020 - Part Two

In the Second Gallery for July, the Rodent-Chicken Mutual Appreciation Society held its summer meeting in Danville, Vermont. Lucy the Moose enjoyed an early breakfast in Alstead, New…

July 2020 - Part One

You submitted an abundance of photos for our July photo gallery – and even after limiting our selections to forest-related images (sorry, garden flowers and sea birds!) we still had too…

June 2020 - Part Two

We had so many submissions for June, that we opted to publish two galleries. Thank you to everyone who submitted images. Your June photos showed an abundance of young life, and broad summer…

June 2020 - Part One

We had so many submissions for June that we opted to publish two galleries. Thank you to everyone who submitted images. Your photos showed an abundance of young life and broad summer vistas.…

May 2020

Your May photos featured numerous wildflowers, from the show-stopping fringed polygala to a rare light-colored variation of red trillium. Asa Nijensohn photographed geese in the midst of a…

April 2020 - Part One

You sent us a bumper crop of April photos – so many, that we couldn’t decide which of these to publish. So instead, we’re sharing selections in two photo galleries this…

April 2020 - Part Two

Continued from April 2020 Reader Photo Gallery - Part One You sent us a bumper crop of April photos – so many, that we couldn’t decide which of these to publish. So instead,…

March 2020

Turtles and timberdoodles! Your March photos revealed a world waking up (or, in the case of one hard-boiling sugarhouse, firing up). In the southern parts of our reader area, the amphibians…

February 2020

Your February photos showed mostly quiet scenes. “Snow moons” were favorite photo subjects, and dogs were also well represented (Happy Birthday, Cruiser!). In Warwick, New York,…

January 2020

In your January photos, birds dined on frozen fruit, a fisher inspected a yard, and a ten-point buck celebrated the end of hunting season. A boy tried out new snowshoes given by his…

December 2019

Your December photos (with a few last November ones snuck in) showed birds enduring the cold, people working in the woods, and intriguing ice formations. A bluebird peered through the falling…

November 2019

Your November photos showed people (and Josh the dog) outside, enjoying the late autumn landscape. Ice and water featured prominently, as did the bright red berries of hawthorn, winterberry…

October 2019

Your October photographs included late-season caterpillars, a gathering of moose, and quiet waterside scenes. Brook trout spawned, a great egret snacked, and a slug gave a mushroom a hug.…

September 2019

Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he’s a fungi! “He” also appeared prominently in your September photographs, growing out of logs, leaf litter, and an unfortunate…

August 2019

Wait…where did summer go? Your August photos showed the transition from new life to maturity and even the first faint hints of autumn. An adult cicada emerged from its nymphal shell, an…

July 2019

Perhaps not surprisingly, given the extreme hot weather, many of your July images were taken near water. In Groton, Massachusetts, juvenile herons crowded the nest, while out in the…

June 2019

Leaping lady’s slippers! In June, a favorite photo subject was early summer wildflowers. Baby moose and fisher kits followed their mothers, a young fawn rested in the tall grass, and…

May 2019

Your May photos revealed spring ephemerals in bloom, new fawns, and a squirrel with its very own dog statue feeding perch. A killdeer’s eggs blended perfectly with rocks by the road, and…

April 2019

Your April photos included strutting tom turkeys, melting ice and Cruiser the puppy’s first day in the woods. Speaking of firsts: in Pennsylvania, a man braved Lycoming Creek on the…

March 2019

A theme of your March photographs: people in the woods – tapping trees, logging, and harnessing oneself, on skis, to an ecstatic dog. Photographer Diana Hayes contributed a great series…