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Northern Woodlands Mission

Northern Woodlands Mission
Our office is located at 16 On the Common, in the heart of Lyme, New Hampshire.

Northern Woodlands, a quarterly magazine, celebrates northeastern forests and the people who care for them. A fun read with a serious purpose, it’s published by the Center for Northern Woodlands Education, an educational nonprofit located in Lyme, New Hampshire.

Our Mission

Our mission is to advance a culture of forest stewardship in the Northeast and to increase understanding of and appreciation for the natural wonders, economic productivity, and ecological integrity of the region’s forests.

Our Vision

We envision a bright future in which people value forests and work together for their stewardship.

To realize this vision, we foster awareness of the social, environmental, and economic benefits of woodlands, sound management and conservation practices, and solidarity among people who care about forests. By connecting people with the land, we contribute to the health of communities and ecosystems.

Our Core Principles

  • An open exchange of information and ideas promotes understanding among people with different perspectives on forest stewardship.
  • Science illuminates the importance of forests and generates strategies to enhance their benefit.
  • Education builds awareness and commitment to positive action.
  • Stories unify people from diverse backgrounds by revealing what we have in common.
  • Art inspires new ways of looking at and seeing the forest.
  • A healthy and diversified forest economy is integral to maintaining forests landscapes.
  • A collaborative community of forest stakeholders has the power to shape the future.
  • A focus on the future and appreciation for the past encourage sound stewardship today.
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