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Decorative woodsy background

March 2021

Many of your March photos showed winter birds, from crossbills to a blizzard of snow geese. John Snell shared a thermal image of skunk cabbage (a plant that gets an early start by generating its own warmth) and Janet Innes captured a remarkable example of leaf-snow-and-wind found art. Another theme: canine woods companions. Corgis supervised birdbox installment, a Brittany inspected old drill marks in granite, and a lab (or lab mix) discovered a curious line of ice blocks in the woods, formed at the oxbow of the LaPlatte River. Cruiser was back again, cruising timber.

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Red poll Photo: Anthony Brainerd
Bradford, VT. “Are you looking at me???” A female common redpoll. | Photo: Anthony Brainerd
Tapping trees Photo: Bryn Nelson
East Ryegate, VT. “Tapping maple trees in Vermont.” | Photo: Bryn Nelson
Bees Photo: Robert Becker
Tewksbury, NJ. “Honey bees survived and out for some willow pollen.” | Photo: Robert Becker
Skunk cabbage Photo: John Snell
Burlington, VT. “Thermal image of skunk cabbage showing a 40F rise in temperature.” | Photo: John Snell
Winter doe Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Ashland, ME. An alert doe peers out from the trees. | Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Fireside Photo: Liz Burrows
Ripton, VT. “Fireside with friends.” | Photo: Liz Burrows
Logging Photo: Gordon Gould
Waterford, VT. “A pile of spruce and fir logs ready to be sawn into 1000 board feet of lumber.” | Photo: Gordon Gould
Salamander Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. Jefferson salamander. | Photo: Tami Gingrich
Beaver Pond Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Franconia, NH. “Ice holding fast on an old beaver pond.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Ice blocks Photo: Tom Hudspeth
Burlington, VT. “Ice blocks, oxbow of LaPlatte River.” | Photo: Tom Hudspeth
Shagbark hickory Photo: Kristin Kearney
Seekonk, MA. “Aptly named - shagbark hickory.” | Photo: Kristin Kearney
Red crossbill Photo: Benjamin Wymer
Plum Island, MA. “A small flock of five red crossbills were vigorously breaking into pitch pine cones.” | Photo: Benjamin Wymer
Snow geese Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Kleinfeltersville, PA. Snow geese (including a blue morph), photographed at the Middle Creek Waterfowl Management Area. | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Hawk Photo: Benjamin Wymer
Gilford, New Hampshire. A red-shouldered hawk … scans a wetland for potential prey.” | Photo: Benjamin Wymer
Burnban Photo: Amy Johnson
Lake Luzerne, NY. “What???? A burn ban in New York? Until May.” | Photo: Amy Johnson
Raccoons Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Ashland, ME. Young raccoons peer out from the shelter of an ice shelf. | Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Mergansers Photo: Ben Haubrich
New Boston, NH. “Hooded mergansers, Starrett Mill Pond.” | Photo: Ben Haubrich
Spotted salamander Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. Spotted salamander. | Photo: Tami Gingrich
Skunk Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Striped skunk in a hay field.” | Photo: AM Dannis
Deadfall Photo: Alfred J. Sorensen
Petersham, MA. What you really don’t want to see overhead. “Deadfall.” | Photo: Alfred J. Sorensen
Owl Photo: Jennifer Cummings
Akron, NY. “Eastern screech owl basking in the morning sun.” | Photo: Jennifer Cummings
Woods dog Photo: Todd Caron
Stark, NH. “Cruiser takes a break in a red spruce forest while cruising timber in Nash Stream Forest.” | Photo: Todd Caron
Geese river Photo: Marion Simao
Riverton, CT. “Bottoms up. Geese feeling a bit tipsy on the Farmington River.” | Photo: Marion Simao
Log Landing Photo: Andrew Sheere
Hartland, VT. “A cut to length harvest operation in southern Vermont.” | Photo: Andrew Sheere
Red crossbill Photo: Linda
Salisbury, MA. “Visiting red crossbill at Salisbury State Park.” | Photo: Linda
Sap buckets Photo: Sheri Larsen
Stowe, VT. “The sap buckets are ready and waiting!” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Bald eagle Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Trout Run, PA. “Lovebirds – actually a pair of bald eagles searching for a nest site at Rose Valley Lake.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Leaf snow Photo: Janet Innes
Burlington, CT. “Leaf geometry.” | Photo: Janet Innes
Killdeer Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “The killdeer have returned. These three were part of a ‘season’ of six killdeers.” | Photo: AM Dannis
Grey fox Photo: Patricia Liddle
Canaan, NY. “Grey fox getting a drink through hole in stream ice.” | Photo: Patricia Liddle
Bear claw Photo: Thomas Wansleben
Cheshire, MA. “Black bear claw marks on white birch.” | Photo: Thomas Wansleben
Snow trail Photo: Esther Cowles
Brookfield, VT. Ruffed grouse tracks. | Photo: Esther Cowles
Grosbeak Photo: Sheri Larsen
South Burlington, VT. “Several pine grosbeaks were seen this winter eating berries in South Burlington. This adult female pine grosbeak has a piece of berry sticking out of its mouth.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
Deer yard Photo: Anthony Brainerd
Bradford, VT. “Dancer or Prancer???” | Photo: Anthony Brainerd
Rainbow halo Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “Rainbow halo.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
Snowday Photo: Liz Burrows
Chittenden, VT. “Beauty is the harvest of presence.” | Photo: Liz Burrows
Porcupine Photo: Sally Cornwell
Brookfield, NH. “Curious porcupine.” | Photo: Sally Cornwell
Sparrow Photo: Benjamin Wymer
Plum Island, MA. “White-throated sparrow foraging in a thicket.” | Photo: Benjamin Wymer
Lake Ice Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Franconia, NH. “Pushed by the wind to shore, lake ice gathers in the march sun like so many panes of glass.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Chipmunk Photo: Stephen Fox
Concord, NH. “Blending in.” | Photo: Stephen Fox
Nuthatch Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “Red-breasted nuthatch.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
Ramps Photo: Sharon Bombarb
Williamstown, MA. “Ramps are coming up!!” | Photo: Sharon Bombarb
Deer highway Photo: Ed Baum
Hermon, ME. “A busy winter highway.” This was one of three images submitted to the gallery, showing multiple uses of the same trail by people and deer. | Photo: Ed Baum
Elderberry bud Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) buds.” | Photo: AM Dannis
Black locust Photo: Jim Smith
Plymouth, MA. “Spirit tree. Black locust tree found in Plymouth woodlands.” | Photo: Jim Smith
Skunk cabbage Photo: Harriet Szanto
Lincoln, VT. “Skunk cabbage coming up with snow still on the ground.” | Photo: Harriet Szanto
Snow geese Photo: Tom Grett
Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area, PA. “A blizzard of snow geese. Some of the 100,000 snow geese that migrate through Middle Creek WMA, Pennsylvania.” | Photo: Tom Grett
Bear post Photo: Janice Tassinari
Richmond, MA. “Post used by a black bear for multiple years. Bite marks and a few tell-tale strands of fur left on the post.” | Photo: Janice Tassinari
Burrow Photo: Vladimir Burnin
Enfield, NH. “Burrow of an unknown animal.” | Photo: Vladimir Burnin
Wood frogs Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “Wood frogs depositing their egg masses.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
Nest boxes Photo: Tom Grett
Adirondacks, NY. “My wife Nancy and the corgis heading into the Adirondack forest to hang nest boxes.” | Photo: Tom Grett
Glacial erratic Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “A “glacial erratic” granite boulder with plug drill marks discovered during a hike deep in a mature forest.” | Photo: AM Dannis
Swans Photo: Tom Grett
Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area, PA. “Beautiful tundra swans migrating through Middle Creek WMA, Pennsylvania.” | Photo: Tom Grett
Frozen Stream Photo: Linden Rayton
Hopkinton, NH. “This frozen stream pool clearly shows the ice nucleation, and its symmetry, provided by the stick.” | Photo: Linden Rayton
White pines Photo: Alex Barrett
Putney, VT. “The unbelievable growth potential of white pine – forester for scale.” | Photo: Alex Barrett
Nuthatch Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “The “upside-down bird,” the white-breasted nuthatch.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Porcupine tracks Photo: Janice Tassinari
Windsor, MA. “Porcupine tracks on a sunny winter's day.” | Photo: Janice Tassinari
Fox sparrow Photo: Meghan McCarthy McPhaul
Franconia, NH. An unusual sight: fox sparrows visiting a feeder. | Photo: Meghan McCarthy McPhaul
Forest color Photo: Amy Johnson
Lake Luzerne, NY. “Very colorful for March.” | Photo: Amy Johnson
Chickadee Photo: Jane MacKugler
Londonderry, VT. “Leucistic chickadee.” | Photo: Jane MacKugler
Great horned owl Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. A great horned owl, captured on a trail camera. | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Logging Photo: C.J. Frankiewicz
East Clarendon, VT. “A prelude to ‘Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters.’” | Photo: C.J. Frankiewicz
Birding Photo: Liz Burrows
Vergennes, VT. “Birding at Button Bay.” | Photo: Liz Burrows
Otter slide Photo: Janice Tassinari
Otis, MA. Otter slide. “Seeing them always makes me smile.” | Photo: Janice Tassinari
Chipmunk Photo: Stephen Fox
Concord, NH. “Is the coast clear?” | Photo: Stephen Fox

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

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