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Decorative woodsy background

July 2021

Many of your July photos had a fungal theme, from Jay Remington’s crowd of Amanitas, to Dan Zucker’s toga mantleslug lounging on a mushroom. Insects – pollinators and otherwise – abounded. Charlie Schwarz sacrificed his arm (or was it someone else’s arm?) for the perfect mosquito shot, and Tami Gingrich dazzled with her close study of a mantidfly. Meanwhile, mere hops from the Northern Woodlands office, Skip Stanger discovered a rare “green-eyed Susan.”

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July 2021 Photo: Eric D'Aleo
Campton, NH. “This male loon is doing a penguin dance - an aggressive display to defend its territory. There were three intruders this morning.” | Photo: Eric D'Aleo
July 2021 Photo: Dan Zucker
Northfield Range above Mad River Valley, Moretown, VT. “Chocolate tube slime (Stemonitis splendens).” | Photo: Dan Zucker
July 2021 Photo: Peter Hollinger
South Strafford, VT. “This garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) has to put up with scratching its eyes, but it can shed the damage when it molts.” | Photo: Peter Hollinger
July 2021 Photo: Dan Zucker
Northfield Range above Mad River Valley, Moretown, VT. “Smorgasbord of species and colors.” | Photo: Dan Zucker
July 2021 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “Belonging to the order Neuroptera, the mantidfly is one of the most unique insects. Check out those eyes!” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
July 2021 Photo: Margaret Manthey
Altmar, NY. “Beautiful largemouth bass caught and released on Kasoag Lake.” | Photo: Margaret Manthey
July 2021 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lyman, NH. “Nursery web spider (male).” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
July 2021 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Black bear enjoying the new clover.” | Photo: AM Dannis
July 2021 Photo: Becky Silvis
Russell, NY. “Sunset in the Adirondack foothills.” | Photo: Becky Silvis
July 2021 Photo: Benjamin Wymer
Lakes Region, NH. “This is one bird you do not want to mess with: a northern goshawk.” This is a nest that was being monitored at four week intervals, and which successfully produced a fledgling. (In general, one should avoid goshawk nests, both because it creates significant stress for the birds and because you may end up with a talon-raked scalp.) | Photo: Benjamin Wymer
July 2021 Photo: Skip Stanger
Hanover, NH. “Green-eyed susan?” | Photo: Skip Stanger
July 2021 Photo: Alfred Sorensen
Ware, Quabbin Reservoir, MA. “Ghost plant, Indian pipe.” | Photo: Alfred Sorensen
July 2021 Photo: Danielle Mattraw
Enosburg Falls, VT. “Freedom and fresh air.” | Photo: Danielle Mattraw
July 2021 Photo: Eric D'Aleo
Clifton Park, NY. “A painted skimmer perched on garden foliage waits for a meal.” | Photo: Eric D'Aleo
July 2021 Photo: Andrew Sheere
Hartland, VT. “What is going on with this stump?! The logger was using a hydraulic tree jack to fell a tree in a tricky spot.” | Photo: Andrew Sheere
July 2021 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Franconia, NH. “Moth mullein, a non-native, non-invasive species that colonizes poor soils, disturbed areas and along streams and rivers.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
July 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “Bull elk will soon lose their antlers' velvet in preparation for the rut in September.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
July 2021 Photo: Garry Plunkett
Tiverton, RI. “Tiny starbursts of carrion flowers - smilax herbacea.” | Photo: Garry Plunkett
July 2021 Photo: Clare Lise Kelly
Lee, MA. “Mushrooms growing on a tree trunk.” | Photo: Clare Lise Kelly
July 2021 Photo: Peter Hollinger
South Strafford, VT. “Fledgling red-breasted nuthatches learn to use a suet feeder.” | Photo: Peter Hollinger
July 2021 Photo: Margaret Manthey
Marietta, NY. “Red milkweed beetles in a private moment.” | Photo: Margaret Manthey
July 2021 Photo: James Airey
Salisbury, NH. “First year white pine seedlings that germinated after a timber harvest.” | Photo: James Airey
July 2021 Photo: Sheri Larsen
Colchester, VT. “A female wood duck and her young.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
July 2021 Photo: Brian Sweitzer
Monson, MA. “A successful Eastern bluebird nest with fledglings now on their own.” | Photo: Brian Sweitzer
July 2021 Photo: Kevin McDonough
Lake Placid, NY. “School of catfish fry at the shoreline of Heart Lake.” If you look closely, you can see the tell-tale barbels (“whiskers”) on some of them. | Photo: Kevin McDonough
July 2021 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Gooseberries, remnants from an old farm, are ripe for the picking.” | Photo: AM Dannis
July 2021 Photo: Nate Rosebrooks
South Trescott, ME. “Rise and shine: a doe and her two yearling daughters.” | Photo: Nate Rosebrooks
July 2021 Photo: Jay Remington
Bedford, MA. Amanita mushrooms. “With rain almost every day in July, our woodlands are bursting with huge mushrooms.” | Photo: Jay Remington
July 2021 Photo: Benjamin Wymer
Campton, NH. “You never know WHOOO is watching...I ran into these two little buddies on a trail: a pair of fledgling northern saw whet owls! When I say little, I mean these guys stood not even 7 inches tall!” | Photo: Benjamin Wymer
July 2021 Photo: Cheryl Metcalf
Tunbridge, VT. “Larva of cecropia moth moving across a stump.” | Photo: Cheryl Metcalf
July 2021 Photo: Stephen Fox
Concord, NH. “I had to check the stem to make sure this was real. It glistened in the sunlight as if made of porcelain. I'm told it's called a violet webcap. It's edibility is debatable.” | Photo: Stephen Fox
July 2021 Photo: Geoffrey Bluh
Montague, MA. “Pitch pine forest in the Montague Plains after some managed cutting and thinning in recent years. This forest in Western MA, located on a sand delta, is the only other place in MA, other than Cape Cod, that has this type of forest new growth in it.” | Photo: Geoffrey Bluh
July 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “Rufous-sided towhees (here a male) are abundant in the oak-heath forests of Pennsylvania.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
July 2021 Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. “This striped sweat bee on a black-eyed Susan caught my eye, a green head!” | Photo: Ross Lanius
July 2021 Photo: Eric D'Aleo
Campton, NH. “Fog lifts from the water with a view of Prospect Mountain.” | Photo: Eric D'Aleo
July 2021 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lyman, NH. “Female nursery web spider guarding its egg sac.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
July 2021 Photo: Clare Lise Kelly
Lee, MA. “Chicken of the woods.” | Photo: Clare Lise Kelly
July 2021 Photo: Jack Nelson
Plainfield, MA. “Chubby monarch caterpillar on July 1.” | Photo: Jack Nelson
July 2021 Photo: John W. Blaser
Brewster, NY. “Seventh Lake, Essex Chain Lakes, Adirondacks.” | Photo: John W. Blaser
July 2021 Photo: Erika Senglaub
Woodgate, NY. “Loon family on White Lake.” | Photo: Erika Senglaub
July 2021 Photo: Lori McDonough
Jay, NY. “Immature barred owl takes a break on top of our covered chiminea.” | Photo: Lori McDonough
July 2021 Photo: Karinne Heise
Hopkinton, NH. “On the Contoocook River after a thunderstorm.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
July 2021 Photo: John Ford
Laconia, NH. “Lazy hot and humid day - content to just watch us watch him.” | Photo: John Ford
July 2021 Photo: Karen Goulet
Epsom, New Hampshire. “Catbird nest.” | Photo: Karen Goulet
July 2021 Photo: Julia Hanauer-Milne
Sidney, ME. “This jumping spider…surprised me in the garden today. I’ve never seen one this big.” | Photo: Julia Hanauer-Milne
July 2021 Photo: Laura Gagnon
Thetford, VT. “We were on the class IV road up Potato Hill in Thetford, Vermont when we came across this pair of luna moths. At first I was concerned because one of them had what I thought was a damaged wing. Upon further investigation, we learned they emerge with wrinkled wings and take several hours to smooth out!” | Photo: Laura Gagnon
July 2021 Photo: Marie Martell
My back yard, NH. “Phoebe nest under the eve.” | Photo: Marie Martell
July 2021 Photo: Robert Becker
Galway, NY. “Emerging mushroom with slug.” | Photo: Robert Becker
July 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Linden, PA. Big brown bats roosting in an old barn. | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
July 2021 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “American kestrel fledgling.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
July 2021 Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. A worse-for-wear swallowtail butterfly perches on a butterfly bush. | Photo: Ross Lanius
July 2021 Photo: Sheri Larsen
Essex Town, VT. “Chanterelle mushrooms that popped up in the woods after a few rainy days.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
July 2021 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “When the luna moth caterpillar is ready to make a cocoon, it turns from a lime green to a dirty gold and begins to search for a secluded spot.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
July 2021 Photo: Matthew Davis
Bucksport, ME. “Dyer's polypore with sarsaparilla and white pine.” | Photo: Matthew Davis
July 2021 Photo: Susan Lichty
Lempster, NH. “Cicada shell and insect.” | Photo: Susan Lichty
July 2021 Photo: Sheri Larsen
Colchester, VT. “A very wet song sparrow singing away. The sparrow must have just taken a bath in the lake because it hadn't been raining.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
July 2021 Photo: Dan Zucker
Northfield Range above Mad River Valley, Moretown, VT. “A toga mantleslug (Philomycus togatus) taking a nap after a heavy meal.” | Photo: Dan Zucker
July 2021 Photo: Robert Becker
Tewksbury, NJ. A sulphur butterfly enjoying lavender nectar. | Photo: Robert Becker
July 2021 Photo: Clare Lise Kelly
Richmond, MA. “Morning mist.” | Photo: Clare Lise Kelly
July 2021 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Flower crab spider (Misumena) attempts to camouflage on a bindweed (Convolvulus) flower.” | Photo: AM Dannis
July 2021 Photo: Peggy Warwick
Conway, MA. “Canada lily among ferns.” | Photo: Peggy Warwick
July 2021 Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “A pair of curious barred owls.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
July 2021 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “White-tailed fawn striking a pose while Mom watches just out of the frame.” | Photo: AM Dannis
July 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “One of the most colorful northeastern moths, a rosy maple moth, was attracted to the light from our living room.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
July 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “A female common house mosquito needs a blood meal to produce viable eggs.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
July 2021 Photo: Chuck Dinsmore
Damariscotta, ME. “Broad-winged hawk in Jefferson, ME, letting me know who 'owns the woodlands'!!” | Photo: Chuck Dinsmore
July 2021 Photo: Clare Lise Kelly
Lee, MA. “Basin Pond Brook.” | Photo: Clare Lise Kelly
July 2021 Photo: Eric D'Aleo
Campton, NH. “To all insects - beware the pickerel weed.” | Photo: Eric D'Aleo
July 2021 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Hamden, CT. “Orange milkweed (butterfly milkweed) found in dry woodlands and fields.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
July 2021 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “A leafcutter bee cuts pieces from a spent swamp milkweed leaf.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

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