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Decorative woodsy background

April 2021

Your April photos showed sunny scenes of flowers blooming, newly arrived migratory birds, and snow-fed streams and lakes. All that bright light inspired some wildlife napping: Sally Duston snuck up on a snoozing porcupine and Tom Nold photographed a sleepy Canada goose. Photogenic fungi also made a return, from red scarlet elf cups to morels.

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April 2021 Photo: Gary Samuels
Deering, NH. “Native miner bee pollinating pussy willow, female and male catkins.” | Photo: Gary Samuels
April 2021 Photo: Ross Lanius
Hamden, CT. An osprey. “Scanning the river for fish.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
April 2021 Photo: Sharon Bombard
Williamstown, MA. “Early blue cohosh, flowers bloom before the leaves have unfurled.” | Photo: Sharon Bombard
April 2021 Photo: Kathryn Green
Orange, NH. “Working in the flower beds and this guy streaked across the ground, tiger beetle.” | Photo: Kathryn Green
April 2021 Photo: Bill Charlton
Saegertown, PA. “Trout lily.” | Photo: Bill Charlton
April 2021 Photo: Nancy Nutile-McMenemy
Enfield, NH. “Juvenile Bald Eagle on Grafton Pond.” | Photo: Nancy Nutile-McMenemy
April 2021 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lyman, NH. “In the warming spring temperatures, resin is oozing out of autumn cut timber.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
April 2021 Photo: Karinne Heise
Warner, NH. “Thunderclouds approaching Bear Pond.” | Photo: Karinne Heise
April 2021 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Moss sporophyte.” | Photo: AM Dannis
April 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Elimsport, PA. “A honey bee gathering pollen from a blooming willow.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
April 2021 Photo: Alfred Sorensen
Amherst, MA. “Skunk cabbage with spadix.” | Photo: Alfred Sorensen
April 2021 Photo: Andrea Gordon
New Haven, VT. “While walking in the woods, I came across these beautiful scarlet elf cups.” | Photo: Andrea Gordon
April 2021 Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. “Fisher taking a stroll through its territory.” | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
April 2021 Photo: Anne Montgomery
Guilford, VT. “Miterwort on rocky outcrop, 4/21/21.” | Photo: Anne Montgomery
April 2021 Photo: Cheryl Metcalf
Tunbridge, VT. “A close-up of a praying mantis egg case, found In our garden.” | Photo: Cheryl Metcalf
April 2021 Photo: Christie Nold
Shelburne, VT. “Turtles on a sunny day.” | Photo: Christie Nold
April 2021 Photo: Colleen Turner
Shoreham, VT. Newly emerging tamarack cones have a flower-like appearance. | Photo: Colleen Turner
April 2021 Photo: Peggy Warwick
Shelburne, MA. “Trailing Arbutus.” | Photo: Peggy Warwick
April 2021 Photo: Deb Clough
Bristol, NH. “Blueberry ice on Newfound Lake.” | Photo: Deb Clough
April 2021 Photo: Ellen Snyder
Charlotte, VT. “Trout lily.” | Photo: Ellen Snyder
April 2021 Photo: Sally Duston
Thetford, VT. “This porcupine slept right through the photo session.” | Photo: Sally Duston
April 2021 Photo: Gordon Gould
Waterford, VT. “A small brook peacefully flows amongst the trees and rocks as it works its way down through our woods.” | Photo: Gordon Gould
April 2021 Photo: Irina Burnina
Coos County, NH. “Lake of the Clouds, the source of Ammonoosuc River.” | Photo: Irina Burnina
April 2021 Photo: Jane Ogilvie
East Middlebury, VT. A handsome male pine grosbeak, soon to head back up to Canada. | Photo: Jane Ogilvie
April 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Lewisburg, PA. “Yellow morels are considered one of the best of the edible mushrooms.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
April 2021 Photo: Deb Clough
Grafton, NH. “You gonna eat that???” | Photo: Deb Clough
April 2021 Photo: Jessica Wikle
Charlotte, VT. “Busy beavers.” | Photo: Jessica Wikle
April 2021 Photo: Jennifer Brockway
Troy, ME. “Native fly-honeysuckle, Lonicera canadensis, in bloom April 24.” | Photo: Jennifer Brockway
April 2021 Photo: Deb Clough
New London, NH. “Marsh marigold at the bog.” | Photo: Deb Clough
April 2021 Photo: Jennifer Diggs
Warner, NH. “Who cooks for you?” | Photo: Jennifer Diggs
April 2021 Photo: Jennifer Brockway
Skowhegan, ME. “Red elderberry on the banks of the Kennebec River.” | Photo: Jennifer Brockway
April 2021 Photo: Sheryl M. Gebauer
North Clarendon, VT. “Spotted this toad while wandering in our back woods.” | Photo: Sheryl M. Gebauer
April 2021 Photo: Jim Cunningham
Ticonderoga, NY. “The patient hawk, meal within reach, waited until the interloper departed before resuming a meal.” | Photo: Jim Cunningham
April 2021 Photo: Jennifer Smith
Orwell, VT. “Blue cohosh.” | Photo: Jennifer Smith
April 2021 Photo: John Wood
Shrewsbury, VT. “Taken to share with Mom – her favorite wildflower.” | Photo: John Wood
April 2021 Photo: Linda Carlsen Sperry
Townshend, VT. “Red squirrel moving baby from birdhouse near patio. Went into woods to back-up nest with 4 babies.” | Photo: Linda Carlsen Sperry
April 2021 Photo: Sheri Larsen
South Burlington, VT. “Dutchman's breeches.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
April 2021 Photo: John Snell
East Montpelier, VT. “The female flower of beaked hazel is a bright, small miracle of early spring.” | Photo: John Snell
April 2021 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Woodcock eggs so early this year (April 19th)!” | Photo: AM Dannis
April 2021 Photo: Ken Hatch
Bethel, VT. “A northern flicker which appeared to be taking shelter under a large limb during a heavy rain.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
April 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “A medium-sized black bear lay down in front of one of my home-brewed trail cameras and stayed there for more than five minutes while the camera took 21 photos.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
April 2021 Photo: Liz Burrows
Goshen, VT. “Silver Lake in early spring.” | Photo: Liz Burrows
April 2021 Photo: Michael A. Gudreau
Presque Isle, ME. “Mother Canada goose sitting on her nest.” | Photo: Michael A. Gudreau
April 2021 Photo: Nancy Nutile-McMenemy
Enfield, NH. “Loons return to Grafton Pond.” | Photo: Nancy Nutile-McMenemy
April 2021 Photo: Peter Hollinger
Sharon, VT. “Closeup of Dicranum moss covering a stone.” | Photo: Peter Hollinger
April 2021 Photo: Mike Black
Long Lake, NY. “Mirror image on Forked Lake. Early April ice out in the Adirondacks.” | Photo: Mike Black
April 2021 Photo: Anna Lewis
Fort Kent, ME. “Red-breasted nuthatch hanging out on a tree limb.” | Photo: Anna Lewis
April 2021 Photo: Sally Duston
Thetford, VT. “The remains of a deer were found in the flood plain of the Ompompanoosuc River, in an area that had obviously been underwater earlier in the month. It was aligned with the current, head upstream. No other part of the deer was nearby.” | Photo: Sally Duston
April 2021 Photo: Ken Hatch
Bethel, VT. “Song Sparrow on a very cold and snowy April, 22nd.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
April 2021 Photo: Sheri Larsen
Colchester, VT. “Hepatica, which is my favorite early spring wildflower. Although Hepatica comes in various colors, I especially enjoy the purple ones.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
April 2021 Photo: Sheryl M. Gebauer
North Clarendon, VT. “Two painted turtles sticking noses up to check out things out.” | Photo: Sheryl M. Gebauer
April 2021 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “Unusually warm temps brought the gray tree frogs out a month early!” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
April 2021 Photo: Sheri Larsen
Essex Town, VT. “Ostrich ferns just starting to unfurl.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
April 2021 Photo: Jane Ogilvie
East Middlebury, VT. A male bluebird. | Photo: Jane Ogilvie
April 2021 Photo: Susan Lichty
Lempster, NH. “Leatherleaf love.” | Photo: Susan Lichty
April 2021 Photo: Stephen Fox
Concord, NH. “Spring seep, Broken Ground Trails.” | Photo: Stephen Fox
April 2021 Photo: Susan Copley
Wilton, NH. Heald Tract's Castor Pond. “Handsome great blue heron parent on duty!” | Photo: Susan Copley
April 2021 Photo: Susan Lichty
Lempster, NH. “Pitcher plant peeking through the thawing bog.” | Photo: Susan Lichty
April 2021 Photo: Tom Grett
Adirondacks, NY. “Congealed white pine sap drippings from a freshly excavated pileated woodpecker hole.” | Photo: Tom Grett
April 2021 Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Lyman, NH. “Male promethea moth that for some reason hatched too early to find a mate.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
April 2021 Photo: Tom Nold
Shelburne, VT. “Taking a nap.” | Photo: Tom Nold
April 2021 Photo: Tony Marple
Bristol, ME. “LaVerna Preserve rock formations.” | Photo: Tony Marple
April 2021 Photo: Kit Emery
Richmond VT. “A barred owl as she/he grabbed a squirrel off my deck – love the eyes.” | Photo: Kit Emery
April 2021 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Elimsport, PA. “A pair of tree swallows examining the cavities in a dead snag.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
April 2021 Photo: Jennifer Brockway
Skowhegan, ME. “Spring sun at Eaton Ridge Preserve, Somerset Woods Trustees.” | Photo: Jennifer Brockway

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

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