Winter 2024
Table of Contents
- 02
- From the Center Jackson Saul
- 04
- Behind the Pages
- 05
- 1,000 Words Joshua Blouin
- 06
- Letters to the Editors
- 10
- Community Voices: Alissa Weatherbee of Axe Women Loggers Meghan McCarthy McPhaul
- 14
- Seasonal Notes Elise Tillinghast
- 16
- Red Fox Caching Susan C. Morse
- 20
- Knots & Bolts
- Scouting for Summer: Evergreen Wetland Herbs Peter Grima
- A Bird’s-Eye View of Forest Health Jen Weimer
- White-tailed Bucks Shedding Antlers Mary Holland
- Multi-use Management at Myrrh Meadow Farm Rebecca Perkins Hanissian
- 31
- Groundnut: A Year-Round Wild Food Source Russ Cohen
- 32
- A Novel Use for Eastern Hemlock Jack Beaudoin
- 40
- Rescuing Iced-In Loons Brett Amy Thelen
- 42
- Loon Rescues on Ice
- 50
- Heavy Rain and Upland Forest Alexandra Kosiba
- 56
- The Quest to Save the Fastest-Declining Landbird in North America Colby Galliher
- 62
- Anton Prikazchizov: How to Make a Stop-Cut Spoon Elise Tillinghast
- 64
- Carving Spoons with Anton Prikazchizov
- 66
- Discoveries
- Climate Change Impacts on Forest Soil Carbon Emissions Northern Woodlands
- Enhanced Salt Tolerance in Wood Frogs Northern Woodlands
- Do Bumble Bee Queens Seek Out Pesticides? Northern Woodlands
- Do Bumble Bee Queens Seek Out Pesticides? Northern Woodlands
- Enhanced Salt Tolerance in Wood Frogs Northern Woodlands
- Climate Change Impacts on Forest Soil Carbon Emissions Northern Woodlands
- 68
- Winter Crane Flies Declan McCabe
- 69
- Paths Anne Cyr
- 70
- Wood Lit
- What’s Wild: A Half Century of Wisdom from the Woods and Rivers of New England Ann Davis
- Calling Wild Places Home Nancy Castaldo
- How to Love a Forest: The Bittersweet Work of Tending a Changing World Allaire Diamond
- Calling Wild Places Home Nancy Castaldo
- How to Love a Forest: The Bittersweet Work of Tending a Changing World Allaire Diamond
- What’s Wild: A Half Century of Wisdom from the Woods and Rivers of New England Ann Davis
- 75
- Working with Foresters Ethan Tapper
- 77
- Tips & Tricks for Your Hydraulic Wood Splitter Brett R. McLeod
- 79
- Art Review: Linda Mirabile Adelaide Tyrol
- 80
- Subway Dreams Judy Chaves