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Decorative woodsy background

What in the Woods is That?

Alnus spaghettiosa

Reader Garry Plunkett took this photo on his small suburban woodlot in Tiverton, Rhode Island. What is it?

Dangling Mystery

Found this hanging from the rafters of an old barn. What is it and what was it used for?

Old Rusty

This long rusty mark was found on a black cherry near our office in Corinth, Vermont. What caused it?

Messy Mystery

Reader Ben Haubrich was X-C skiing recently in Francestown, New Hampshire, off trail, when he came across this odd mound in the snow. A closer look revealed . . . we'll tell you, but you…

Who Am I?

You’d all be able to identify this plant in the summertime, but what about now?

Sweet Car Mystery

Our friend Dan Wing found this old car out in the woods behind our office. OK, antique car buffs, what is it? We're after make and model, and justify your guesses.

Apple-up-a-Tree Mystery

Forester and naturalist Lynn Levine snapped this picture last fall. In all, there were about 25 apples in the crooks of trees at different heights – 10 feet in the air, near the ground,…

Great White Pine Mystery

Reader Penny Harris from Cambridge, Vermont lost an enormous white pine in a recent windstorm. This photo shows the inside of the snapped trunk. What caused these strangely shaped holes?


The Glover Historical Society in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont submitted this photo to us, asking if someone knew what this mysterious crib of logs was used for. Guesses in the office…

Wild Roots

Our Facebook friend Terry Holden took this picture of a yellow birch in Cambridge, Vermont. What caused the tree to grow in this funky manner?

A Beautiful Blob

This beautiful blob was photographed recently near our office. What is it? Bonus points will be given for telling us what it’s doing.

Whose Scat is That?

This scat’s full of apple skin and apple seeds. The washed out orb you see in the picture is a quarter, for scale. What kind of animal left this calling card?

Antique Mystique

Our recent contest picture of a lye barrel prompted readers to submit a number of great historical shots. Here’s one, submitted by Joseph Adams of Rupert, Vermont. OK antique-farm-equipment…

Baculum Matching Game

As we all know, many mammals have a bone in their penis, called a “baculum.” From an evolutionary perspective, this can make copulation more effective (note the strategically curved tip…

Historic Mystery

No trip to the Tunbridge World's Fair in Tunbridge, Vermont, is complete without a trip to the beer hall, the pig races, and the historical exhibitions, where this picture was taken. This…

Eli’s Mystery

Reader Eli Sagor from St. Paul, Minnesota submitted this picture -- the objects have both a Midwestern and Northeastern woods connection. What are they and what are they used for?

A Little Mystery

Our Executive Director found this critter on an apple tree near his home in northern Vermont on July 25. What is it?

Wild Shapes

You'll need to tell us what it is to win, but feel free to also include your Rorschachian interpretations.

Mysterious Skull

This animal skull was found partially buried in a Vermont hardwood stand. What kind of animal is it?

Strange Sight

Our proofreader discovered this strange object in a spruce tree near her home. What in the woods is it?