Penny Harris of Cambridge, Vermont found this gelatinous ribbon of brown stuff on a log next to some moss. Do you know what it is?
What in the Woods is That?
Snow Worms
The larvae pictured here may seem a bit out of place on a snowy winter’s day. Who are these guys? We don’t have a video for you, but they were reported to be alive and wriggling when found…
A Scatological Stumper
The scat here was found in early November. Whose scat is that? (Hint: take a close look at the white flecks.)
Rocks of Ages
Here's a little woodland mystery for you. Reader Larry Mulligan has been investigating stone chambers in Putnam County, New York. This picture shows one of about 12 chambers on this…
What Lies Above?
With late November’s trees free of leaves, things once hidden have been revealed. Laury Saligman shared this photo of clumps of leaves and twigs in a cluster of trees. What are they?
Unidentified Fluffy Stuff
Nope, this is not another early snowfall. But what is this fluffy, white stuff on the ground?
Tunnel Vision
Kyle Jones took this close-up shot of a tree's root wad with a small hole at its center. What do you suppose made this hole?
A Piney Protrusion
Penny Harris of Cambridge, Vermont took this photo of a pine branch near her home. What’s protruding from the branches?
Bennington County forester Chris Stone took this picture on Friday, September 16. Well?
Maple Family Reunion
We gathered these seeds from members of the maple family. Clockwise from top, what species are they?
Floral Forest Mystery
Some trees continue to "flower" throughout the summer – like this one. What kind of tree produced this "flower?"
Penny For Your Thoughts?
Reader Dick Pearson submitted this picture of two tiny fleur de lis’. What are they? And where did they come from?
Who Lost A Head?
This skull was found in southern Vermont in a small patch of woods at the edge of a farm field. What kind of animal is it?
What Walter Found
Our Executive Director found these in his garden. Is this Animal? Or Botanical?
The Lady and the Plant
Yes, we know it’s a woman. The plant. What’s the plant she’s holding?
Wayward Line & Orb
We’ll only say that yes, you do know what it is. Maybe this will be the week we’ll finally get to keep our book.
Whose House is This?
Our friend Alfred Balch submitted this picture of a nest he found recently. What kind of bird made it?
The Great Splotch Mystery
Reader Ellen Snyder took this picture last weekend at College Woods in Durham, New Hampshire. What is this dark splotch?