What caused the scar on this sugar maple tree?
What in the Woods is That?
Pomainville Wildlife Management Area
Susan Elliott, a member of the Rutland County Audubon Society took this photo while bird monitoring in the Pomainville Wildlife Management Area in Pittsford, VT. What in the woods is it?
Something in the Apple Tree
Last winter, Jason Selden and family were coming down a hillside in Chelsea, Vermont when a member of the group spotted something odd in an apple tree. Selden snapped this picture of the…
Fallen Leaves
This selection of fallen leaves was gathered near our office in Corinth, Vermont. Name all six species.
Sparkling Stones
These sparkling stones(?) were found in a southern Vermont trout stream. What are they?
Red or Green Seeds
Depending on the time of year, the seeds from this plant can be green or red. What in the woods is it?
Alien Life-form
No, it’s not an alien life-form; and that’s all the help I’m giving you. What in the woods is it?
Telephone Pole
Dave Anderson was hiking along a telephone line right-of-way near Long Pond in Lempster, New Hampshire, when he noticed a telephone pole that was completely snapped off and was hanging…
Maple Leaf
This maple leaf seems covered with Nerds candy. A quick taste reveals the bumps in question are anything but sweet. What in the woods is it?
Curious-looking Insect
This curious-looking insect rests on a black-eyed Susan. What kind of bug is it? Common name is fine.
Cliff Face Oddities
These oddities are draped across a cliff face. What in the woods is this?
Adirondack Purple Box
This peculiar, purple object was seen hanging near a campground in the Adirondacks. What is it?
Maple Mushroom
This mushroom seems to ooze out of a dead maple in Corinth, Vermont. What is it?