Your June photos showed brightly colored pollinators and blossoms. There were also more cryptic woodland wonders, including newborn fawns in hiding, a shy turtle, and a porcupine ascending…
Reader Photo Gallery
May 2017
Your May photos have a strong botanical theme, with a number of close-up images of budding leaves and blossoms. In Vermont, scientists netted and banded migratory songbirds, and in…
April 2017
Your photos this month featured turkey courtship and spring wetlands. Red fox kits basked in the sun in East Nassau, New York, and in Waitsfield, Vermont, a chipmunk ventured out of its…
March 2017
Your March photos captured images of often elusive creatures: a great grey owl, an otter popping up from under the ice, and - just in time for April 1 - the legendary North Woods kiwi bird.…
February 2017
Your February photos revealed a deer escaping a coyote by water, a skidder escaping water by logs, and a glimpse of an intriguing new winter pastime: forest goat sledding. Check out the lynx…
January 2017
Many of your January photos were deer related, including an image of a cached deer carcass – probably a bobcat’s leftovers. A red fox posed for a game camera in Hermon, Maine, and…
December 2016
In your photographs, coyotes prowled, climbers ascended an icy summit, and snow buntings arrived on Christmas Day. Ice formations were also a popular subject this month – and none were…
November 2016
Your November photos featured fog, hawks, and the month’s super moon. Bucks knocked antlers, a Virginia opossum scavenged for food scraps, and a flock of snow geese surprised a…
October 2016
Foliage and water were common October photo subjects. A bobcat passed by a game camera, milkweed seeds prepared to take to the air, and a rocking chair beckoned from the Society for the…
September 2016
Your September photos revealed high-elevation leaf color and the woods in transition. Rattlesnake plantain, an evergreen orchid, gleamed against brown leaves, while an actual snake basked. One…
August 2016
In your August photos, a caterpillar transformed, chickadees and chipmunks dined à la main, and hints of autumn yellow appeared along the Maine coast. We’re now on the hunt for…
July 2016
In your July photos, a blue heron took to the air, while a snake settled down for a supersized meal. Independence Day fireworks sparkled above the dark tops of trees, and a loon family went…
June 2016
In your June photos, killdeer chicks hatched, young raccoons went on a morning adventure, and...what's that stone circle out in the woods? A squirrel met its end in a Cooper's hawk…
May 2016
From a den full of fox kits to fledgling owls, a common theme of your May photos was young life in the woods. Turtles basked, birds showed off their mating plumage, and a swarm of hot bees…
April 2016
Your April photos revealed a landscape full of new life. Loons nested, wildflowers bloomed, and a baby porcupine did its best to ignore the presence of an animal tracking group. Vernal pools…
March 2016
Swarming stoneflies and salamanders! Your March photos revealed early harbingers of spring. Maple sap flowed, woodcocks danced, and frost heaves popped up along the roads. What’s the…
February 2016
Your February photos featured carnivore valentines - coyotes, foxes, and bobcats all paired up. Prayer flags glowed on a gray birch, a hermit warbler showed up in Connecticut, and Todd Bauman…
January 2016
Your January photos included a number of intriguing ice formations, including a rare look at pancake ice. A pink-footed goose flew in from Europe, a coyote stopped by the yard for a morning…
December 2015
Your December photographs reflected the unseasonably warm weather, with foggy scenes and open water. An ash-throated flycatcher made a rare appearance in Connecticut, a mink fished a pond…
November 2015
In your November photos, a pileated woodpecker dined on grapes, a mink struck a pose, and oh no!, Mr. Bill turned into a cherry tree! This November was much warmer than last year, and wildlife…