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February 2018

“Some say the world will end in fire; some say in ice.”  - Robert Frost

Your February photos show ice holding the upper hand, but flames burned, too, as people in Montpelier set their Christmas trees ablaze at the annual Ice on Fire winter festival. Others fought the chill with outdoor pursuits: skiing, skating, snow-biking, feeding birds, and harvesting timber. And even on the coldest days, flowing rivers offered a reminder that spring will soon return. To hear Frost recite “Fire and Ice,” play the video below.

We’re now looking for March 2018 photos that relate to northeastern forests. These could be images of people, plants, wildlife, weather, forest management, wood processing, educational activities, recreation, art, landscapes, or events. To submit your photos, please use the form at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

Submission deadline for the March gallery: Monday, March 26, 2018

February 2018
Lake Erie. A view of the lake from 20,000 feet showing a giant ice jigsaw puzzle. Credit: John Snell
February 2018
Montpelier, VT. “Old Christmas trees in a huge bonfire at the annual Ice on Fire festival warmed us all!” Credit: John Snell
February 2018
Halifax, VT. “The Claw.” Credit: Diana Todd
February 2018
Pelham, MA. “British soldiers standing at attention.” Credit: Pam Landry
February 2018
Plymouth, NH. “How to bide time on a long winter's night. Three recently finished hand-carved wooden spoons. Two mixing spoons carved from apple wood and one teaspoon from peach wood.” Credit: Eric D’Aleo
February 2018
Thetford, VT. “Taken on one of nine days of the year when the sunrise aligns with this valley. Three water mills were sited within this view 100 years ago. All but the foundations are gone.” Credit: Tig Tillinghast
February 2018
Etna, NH. “A delightful visitor to our suet feeder! We don't normally see red-bellied woodpeckers near our home in Etna. Welcome, friend!” Credit: MK Beach
February 2018
Rowe, MA. “Winter reflections.” Credit: Pam Landry
February 2018
Bethel, ME. “Skiing in the colder air.” Credit: Richard A. Hesslein Jr.
February 2018
Halifax, VT. “Chains on forwarder tire.” Credit: Diana Todd
February 2018
Corinth, VT. “The great mouth of Eureka Mine, part of the abandoned Pike Hill copper mine site.” Credit: Emily Rowe
February 2018
Hermon, ME. “I spied this deer's reflection looking at me in the mirror as I was shaving on February 1st.” Credit: Ed Baum
February 2018
South Williamsport, PA. “Snow cone - a fallen tulip-poplar seed cone after a light snowfall.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz
February 2018
Brownfield, ME. “Brownfield Bog and Pleasant Mountain from East Peak, Peary Mountain.” Credit: Richard A. Hesslein Jr.
February 2018
Northern Maine. Sunning grouse. Credit: Lonnie Jandreau
February 2018
Lycoming County, PA. “The nicest looking opossum I've ever seen. Photo taken by a homebrewed trail camera based on a Sony point-and-shoot camera.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz
February 2018
Dalton, NH. “Sustained by stone - common greenshield lichen (Flavoparmelia caperata).” Credit: AM Dannis
February 2018
Lycoming County, PA. “Shingled rock shield lichen on a piece of sandstone on Raccoon Mountain.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz
February 2018
Susquehanna River, PA. “In early February hooded mergansers returned. These fish-eating ducks nest in hollow trees and artificial nest boxes.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz
February 2018
Thetford, VT. “The raven on top chased the one below for about 10 minutes at very high speed. A third raven circled above. This was likely part of the “courtship flight,” although ravens exhibit all sorts of unexpected and curious behaviors at any time of year.” Credit: Tig Tillinghast
February 2018
Worcester, VT. “Ice can change so much day to day. This was on a small seep on a morning at -10°F.” Credit: John Snell
February 2018
Montpelier, VT. “Ice! One of the joys of winter. This formed after a melt and refreeze.” Credit: John Snell
February 2018
Middlesex, VT. “Even in subzero temperatures, water remains liquid and different kinds of ice form.” Credit: John Snell
February 2018
Montpelier, VT. “As high water recedes, delicate ice may form.” Credit: John Snell
February 2018
South Williamsport, PA. “Grass in a spring seep displays frost sculptures on a cold winter day. Spring seeps are important to wild turkeys as places to find seeds, insects, and isopods when the ground is snow-covered.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz
February 2018
Fryeburg, ME. “Survival in Saco River floodplain.” Credit: Richard A. Hesslein Jr.
February 2018
Kezar Pond, Fryeburg, ME. “Nordic skate.” Credit: Richard A. Hesslein Jr.
February 2018
Kezar Pond, Fryeburg, ME. “Floodplain skating.” Credit: Richard A. Hesslein Jr.
February 2018
Hermon, ME. “A goldfinch prepares to land on the bird feeder.” Credit: Ed Baum
February 2018
Hermon, ME. “A pair of cardinals hunt for seeds under the birdfeeder.” Credit: Ed Baum
February 2018
Hermon, ME. “Watch out for snowmobiles, Mike!” Credit: Ed Baum
February 2018
Snydertown, PA. “I think this doe is showing the game camera just what she is thinking about Winter Storm Noah.” Credit: Bonnie Honaberger
February 2018
Dalton, NH. “The bristly, hard-hooked heads of common burdock (Arctium minus) are said to have been the inspiration for Velcro.” Credit: AM Dannis
February 2018
Dalton, NH. “Hobblebush (Viburnum lantanoides) bud waiting for spring.” Credit: AM Dannis
February 2018
Dalton, NH. “Gravity trick or a squirrel?” Credit: AM Dannis
February 2018
Dalton, NH. “Distinctive bark and buds of striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum).” Credit: AM Dannis
February 2018
Pico Mountain, VT. “Frost feathers.” Credit: Meg Laferriere Horrocks
February 2018
Hopkins Memorial Forest, Williamstown, MA. “Beech tree with unusual horizontal bumps.” Credit: Patricia Liddle
February 2018
Hopkins Memorial Forest, Williamstown, MA. “View of Birch Brook.” Credit: Patricia Liddle
February 2018
Shelburne, VT. Bobcat. Credit: Clara Nold
February 2018
Shelburne, VT. “The same bobcat (based on the markings on the upper left leg).” Credit: Rick Nold
February 2018
Hermon, ME. “Goldfinches vie for a spot on the feeder during a snowstorm.” Credit: Ed Baum
February 2018
South Burlington, VT. “A hawk landed on my deck railing.” Credit: Susan Clark
February 2018
LaPlatte River, Shelburne, VT. Otter. Credit: Dick Elkins
February 2018
Snydertown, PA. “While hiking in my friend’s woods, I happened to notice a heart-shaped knot in a tree. How appropriate since Valentine's Day is so near.” Credit: Bonnie Honaberger
February 2018
Norwich, VT. “Holideer meets Snowdeer.” Credit: Helen Morrow
February 2018
Newry, ME. “Winter casualty.” Credit: Richard A. Hesslein Jr.
February 2018
Snydertown, PA. “Icicles after Winter Storm Noah.” Credit: Bonnie Honaberger
February 2018
Northern Maine. “Whitetails moving into wintering areas.” Credit: Lonnie Jandreau
February 2018
Driftwood, PA. “Bull elk in the yard of the U.S. Post Office - but the office closed hours ago.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

By checking the box above, you are agreeing to our Reader Photo Gallery Terms and Conditions.