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Decorative woodsy background

Reader Photo Gallery

October 2015

Many of your October photos captured quiet scenes: vivid fall color, early snows and sunset views. Meanwhile, the animal world seemed to enjoy the last few days of warmth, and prepared for the…

September 2015

Your photos showed baby snapping turtles emerging from the mud, a heron snacking on a huge fish, and one very tired looking daddy cardinal. Maples began to turn, kids frolicked on the rocks,…

August 2015

A common theme of your August photos was young birds, from a fierce looking rose-breasted grosbeak to four phoebe siblings sitting snug on a perch. Also in this gallery, a funky looking deer,…

July 2015

Your July photos revealed bears on the move, young birds just out of the nest, and mountain sandwort in bloom. Paper birch cake was on the menu at the Hubbard Brook Research Foundation, Maine…

June 2015

This June was an exceptionally wet month in the Northeast, and many of your photos had a water theme. Love was in the air for promethea moths, and sawdust was in the air for a kid taking his…

May 2015

Your May photos included spring wildflowers, a dramatic coyote and fawn game camera shot, and iridescent birds in flight. Some of you were out tree planting - on flood plains and city streets-…

April 2015

This month's photos showed, at long last, the woods waking up. Amphibians mated in vernal pools, bees ventured from their hives and bright green ramps popped up among the brown,…

March 2015

Your March photos included a great image of a beaver, squirrel acrobatics, and a turkey mob that never received, or perhaps ignored, that memo about sharing the road. From loggers to…

February 2015

Gallery themes: For animals that struggle with deep snow, February 2015 was an especially tough month. Your photos revealed bobcats in backyards, and owls near buildings. Other themes:…