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Decorative woodsy background

March 2019

A theme of your March photographs: people in the woods – tapping trees, logging, and harnessing oneself, on skis, to an ecstatic dog. Photographer Diana Hayes contributed a great series of images of the syrup making process (see the last few images in the gallery). Another common theme: early natural signs of spring  – a bluebird, roaring river, skunk cabbage, and wing marks left in the snow by a lovelorn tom turkey.

We’re now looking for April 2019 photos that relate to northeastern forests. These could be images of people, plants, wildlife, weather, forest management, wood processing, educational activities, recreation, art, landscapes, or events. To submit your photos, please use the form at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

Submission Deadline: Tuesday, April 30, 2019

March 2019
Montgomery, VT. “Fiona, a rescued Shetland pony, says ‘Howdy’ while sugaring March 30th, along with owner Lisa Chaffee.” Credit: Charlotte Reed
March 2019
Old Chatham, NY. “Spring color.” Credit: Marian Day
March 2019
Tamworth, NH: First in a series of images from the Tamworth dog races, hosted by the Tamworth Outdoor Club: Credit: Eric A’Aleo
March 2019
Tamworth, NH. “Skijoring.” Credit: Eric A’Aleo
March 2019
Tamworth, NH. “Coming up fast.” Credit: Eric A’Aleo
March 2019
Tamworth, NH. “Approaching the finish.” Credit: Eric A’Aleo
March 2019
Hermon, ME. “Good morning from the edge of the forest!” Credit: Ed Baum
March 2019
Hardwick, VT. The wet snow of March created magical views, including this water scene. Credit: Lori Ferland
March 2019
Woodstock, VT. “Last taps at the top of the sugarbush at Bourdon Maple Farm.” Credit: Meg Emmons
March 2019
Snydertown, PA. “My game camera captured this regal eagle perched on a downed tree in my friend’s woods. WOW.” Credit: Bonnie Honaberger
March 2019
Waterford, VT, “Loading spruce and fir sawlogs in a small scale operation.” Credit: Gordon Gould
March 2019
Oxford, NY. Trail of a tom turkey’s display left in the snow. Credit: John Knapp
March 2019
East Nassau, NY. Can you see the beagle in the boulder? Hint, start in the middle with the green “ear.” Photograph taken at the Albert Family Forest. Credit: Patricia Liddle
March 2019
Derby, VT: “The Clyde River tumbles along in early spring.” Credit: Barb Mackay
March 2019
Amherst, MA. “March 9, late afternoon, on the Mt Holyoke Range - the last of the lingering American beech leaves in the late winter sun.” Credit: Elisa K. Campbell
March 2019
Ware, MA. “Red fox on stone wall.” Credit: Susan Fly
March 2019
Marcellus, NY. “Starscape on a cold and clear night.” Credit: Susan March
March 2019
Dorchester, NH. A popular cross-country ski trail. Credit: Annette Kennedy
March 2019
Jay, VT: “I was photographing animal tracks in the Jay Community Forest when this non-critter print caught my eye.” Credit: Barb Mackay
March 2019
South Williamsport, PA. A beautiful photograph of a pileated woodpecker. Credit: Charlie Schwarz
March 2019
Lyme, NH. A child (with a boost from her father) inspects fresh pileated holes. Credit: Anonymous
March 2019
Saratoga, NY. Mud season with horses: similar to mud season with dogs, but with more surface area. Credit: Abigail Ames
March 2019
Hermon, ME. “A blue jay basks in the rising morning sunshine.” Credit: Ed Baum
March 2019
Norwood, OH. “Looking back.” This image of a wolf at the Cincinnati zoo pairs with this recent Outside Story article. Credit: Kelly Sullivan
March 2019
Old Chatham, NY. Some very determined snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis), earning their name. Credit: Marian Day
March 2019
South Williamsport, PA. “An ice fisherman on a small pond in Lycoming County, PA - about a third of the pond was already ice-free.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz
March 2019
East Wallingford, VT. “Bluebird sky.” Credit: Carolyn
March 2019
Marcellus, NY. And speaking of bluebirds… “I'm back, and thank you for the mealworms!” Credit: Susan March
March 2019
Killingly, CT. A turkey vulture sunbathes on a post. Check out this 2013 article by Bryan Pfeiffer on the mysteries of vulture migration. Credit: Doug Huey
March 2019
Dalton, NH. “Beech buds waiting for spring...” Credit: Sandy Dannis
March 2019
Ashburnham, MA. “Bobcat watching our cats.” Credit: Janice Smith
March 2019
Waterford, VT. “Fir saw logs on the landing. They were salvaged from trees with severe stump rot in a small scale logging operation.” Credit: Gordon Gould
March 2019
Derby, VT: “A home-based sugarmaker carries on a trusted tradition.” Credit: Barb Mackay
March 2019
Marcellus, NY. “I found some color on a winter day!” Credit: Susan March
March 2019
Hermon, ME. “Ever notice how so many squirrels seem to pray?” Credit: Ed Baum
March 2019
Hermon, ME. Snowmobilers enjoy the woods. Credit: Ed Baum
March 2019
Hermon, ME. “Whitetail deer scampering through fresh snow.” Credit: Norman Dube
March 2019
Oxford, NY. British soldier lichen (Cladonia cristatella). Credit: John Knapp
March 2019
Oxford, NY. “Who left an egg in the feeder?” Credit: John Knapp
March 2019
Monson, MA. “Hanging on to winter.” Credit: Pat Sweitzer
March 2019
Canaan, NH. Kate Magill found that rarest of species – the Lorax’s “Truffala tree.” Credit: Kate Magill
March 2019
Hermon, ME. “A whitetail deer welcoming the morning sun after an overnight snowfall, March 8, 2019.” Credit: Norman Dube
March 2019
Coplin Plantation, ME. “Good fences.” Credit: Gail Mann
March 2019
Woodstock, VT. “Dusk over Bourdon Maple Farm at the start of sugaring season.” Credit: Meg Emmons
March 2019
Woodstock, VT. “A vernal pool at the top of Bourdon Maple Farm's sugarbush looking towards Killington Mountain. Almost makes you want to jump in!” Credit: Meg Emmons
March 2019
East Boston, MA. “A red-tailed hawk securing its pigeon prey in Brooklyn Botanical Gardens on March 30.” Credit: Larkin Brown & Sam Peisch
March 2019
Dalton, NH. “Showing its stripes...striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum).” Credit: Sandy Dannis
March 2019
Dalton, NH. “Red on a gray winter day. Courtesy of highbush cranberry (Viburnum opulus).” Credit: Sandy Dannis
March 2019
Old Chatham, NY. “Balance.” Credit: Marian Day
March 2019
Stowe, VT. “During a snowy run up through the Notch in Stowe, my brother Nattie Emmons stops at a bubbling mountain spring for a drink. Winter trail running is a good way to rid yourself of cabin fever while we wait for snow to melt.” Credit: Meg Emmons
March 2019
Dalton, NH. Last year’s nest, ready for recycling? Credit: Sandy Dannis
March 2019
Dalton, NH. “90+ year old Red Pines (Pinus resinosa) in an unusual 'Red Pine Rocky Ridge' habitat at 2000 ft elevation on Dalton Mountain.” Credit: Sandy Dannis
March 2019
Old Chatham, NY. “Nature’s web.” Credit: Marian Day
March 2019
East Wallingford, VT. “Snow shadows from the woods across a pond.” Credit: Carolyn
March 2019
Dalton, NH. “Pussy willow (Salix) trying to catch up. They're two weeks behind last year.” Credit: Sandy Dannis
March 2019
The final 5 photos in the gallery are part of a series taken by Diana Hayes over a week’s time at the Kedron Valley Sugar Makers in South Woodstock, VT. “The ’Shack’ is 1/4 mile down the first road from our forest managed property there.” First photo: “Making the grade.” Credit: Diana Hayes
March 2019
Woodstock, VT. Unfiltered syrup awaiting a density check. Credit: Diana Hayes
March 2019
Woodstock, VT. Steam rises from the evaporator pan. Credit: Diana Hayes
March 2019
Woodstock, VT. Checking the filters. These remove niter and sugar sand from the syrup. Credit: Diana Hayes
March 2019
Woodstock, VT. The final product is stored in a steel drum – packaged hot, to avoid future spoilage. Credit: Diana Hayes

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

By checking the box above, you are agreeing to our Reader Photo Gallery Terms and Conditions.