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April 2020 - Part One

You sent us a bumper crop of April photos – so many, that we couldn’t decide which of these to publish. So instead, we’re sharing selections in two photo galleries this month.

Common themes for April included spring wildflowers, vernal pool scenes, and a surprising abundance of garter snakes. In Photo Gallery One, a male grouse drummed on a log, mosquito larvae siphoned air from the water surface, and Jennifer Edmondson accused a chipmunk of hoarding toilet paper. Meanwhile, in Photo Gallery Two, a female mallard gobbled a wood frog lunch, a boy discovered his very first inchworm, and volunteers with the Central New York Land Trust honored Earth Day by working on trails at Old Fly Marsh.

Continued in April 2020 Reader Photo Gallery - Part Two

April 2020 - Part One Photo: Michael Gudreau
Presque Isle, ME. A wood turtle poses among ostrich fern fiddleheads. | Photo: Michael Gudreau
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Sheri Larsen
South Hero, VT. “Great horned owl and chick.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Lydia Brinkley
Lake Como, NY. “Kids enjoying a snack on a log at a beaver pond at the Dorothy McIlroy Bird Sanctuary near Lake Como.” Credit: Lydia Brinkley | Photo: Lydia Brinkley
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Nate Lambert
Hartland, VT. “April sunset.” | Photo: Nate Lambert
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Chris Woods
Warren, VT. “Small spring harvest.” | Photo: Chris Woods
April 2020 - Part One Photo: David Hobson
Norwich, VT. “Drumming grouse.” | Photo: David Hobson
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Jennifer Edmondson
Willseyville, NY. “Chipmunk hoarding toilet paper.” | Photo: Jennifer Edmondson
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Collin Miller
Bloomville, NY. “Amphibian egg masses abound on old trail ruts.” | Photo: Collin Miller
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “Spicebush blooms in early spring. Its name is derived from the spicy scent of its twigs, leaves and bright red fruit.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Alicia Carlson
Hubbardton, VT. “This nuthatch carried a dead mole into the crotch of this sugar maple tree.” | Photo: Alicia Carlson
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Eric D'Aleo
Plymouth, NH. “Winter still has a grip.” | Photo: Eric D'Aleo
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Marcy Stanton
Lyndeborough, NH. “Life-giving log.” | Photo: Marcy Stanton
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Cathy Weaver Taylor
Upton, MA. “Bluebird of happiness.” | Photo: Cathy Weaver Taylor
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Ian Klingbail
Croghan, NY. “Another season gone by: drying out the sap buckets.” | Photo: Ian Klingbail
April 2020 - Part One Photo: C.J. Frankiewicz
Essex, Vermont. “Sawlogs laid out for grading at the sawmill.” | Photo: C.J. Frankiewicz
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Randi Kosmes
Kennebunk, ME. “Marsh marigold growing wild.” | Photo: Randi Kosmes
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Kimberly Adriaansen
West Seneca, NY. “He's back! Two years ago, a male yellow-bellied sapsucker visited this young red pine tree in our small suburban backyard. Is this the same individual? ... Keeping track of our backyard visitors brings immense joy, understanding and appreciation!” | Photo: Kimberly Adriaansen
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Paul M. Kotila
Jaffrey, NH. “Mosquito larvae in a vernal pool. Each white dot is the tip of an air siphon at the water surface.” | Photo: Paul M. Kotila
April 2020 - Part One Photo: John Snell
Montpelier, VT. “Witch hazel in bloom.” | Photo: John Snell
April 2020 - Part One Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Circle of life: baby maple tree sprouting from old stump.” | Photo: AM Dannis
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Lauran Corson
Woodstock, VT. A red elderberry just coming into bloom along the Billings Trail. | Photo: Lauran Corson
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Tami A Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “This male American kestrel takes over incubation while his mate takes a much-needed break. Note his two tail feathers in the process of regrowing!” | Photo: Tami A Gingrich
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. “I do believe this slug was working its way down to my game camera to make sure its picture was taken but I beat it to the punch.” | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Gordon Gould
Waterford, VT. “A vernal pool forms in this sag each spring. It is a breeding place for spotted salamanders.” | Photo: Gordon Gould
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Ron Becker
Fayetteville , NY. “Trillium hide-away.” | Photo: Ron Becker
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Collin Miller
Bloomville, NY. “Found this ‘message in a bottle’ stashed while scouting a stand of hardwoods.” | Photo: Collin Miller
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Cheri Birch
Hollis, NH. “Spring at the heron pond.” | Photo: Cheri Birch
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Pam Landry
Petersham, MA. “Pitcher plants filled with spring rain.” | Photo: Pam Landry
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Charlotte A. Reed
Underhill, VT. “Vacant apartments for rent.” A snag with old and new pileated woodpecker excavations. | Photo: Charlotte A. Reed
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Jason Berard
Lyme, NH. “Leatherwood - Lyme Hill.” | Photo: Jason Berard
April 2020 - Part One Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Tough time to be wearing white...snowshoe hare.” | Photo: AM Dannis
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Phillip Barry
Hancock, MI. “Spring is on its way in the U.P. of Michigan.” | Photo: Phillip Barry
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Nan Peckham
Berlin CT. Columbine blooming at Ragged Mountain Preserve. | Photo: Nan Peckham
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “The small patch of red feathers on the heads of male ruby-crowned kinglets is often hard to see.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
April 2020 - Part One Photo: John Arrison
Ascutney, VT. “Beech blow down.” | Photo: John Arrison
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Tony Marple
Whitefield, ME. “West Branch, Sheepscot River.” | Photo: Tony Marple
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Paul Fillion
Clarksville, NH. “Show time!” | Photo: Paul Fillion
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Nate Rosebrooks
West Thompson, CT. “April flowers.” | Photo: Nate Rosebrooks
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. “Bloodroot plant I am very fortunate to have in my yard.” | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Jennifer Edmondson
Willseyville, NY. Another view of beautiful bloodroot. | Photo: Jennifer Edmondson
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Amber Kimball
Winn, ME. “Snow fleas - also known as springtails.” | Photo: Amber Kimball
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Janice Muehlberg
West Greenwich, RI. Precarious beaver sculpture. | Photo: Janice Muehlberg
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Patricia Sweitzer
Monson, MA. “Visitor alights on budding trillium along Scantic River headwaters.” | Photo: Patricia Sweitzer
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Randi Kosmes
Kennebunk, ME. “Emerging skunk cabbage.” | Photo: Randi Kosmes
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Alicia Carlson
Hubbardton, VT. “Dutchman's breeches.” | Photo: Alicia Carlson
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Annette Fedorick
Weatherly, PA. “A pileated woodpecker in my tree…having a little lunch!” | Photo: Annette Fedorick
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Nick Anderson
Rutland, MA. “Next year's firewood stock: 7-8 cords of quality log length hardwood being delivered by Hull Forest Products of Pomfret, CT.” | Photo: Nick Anderson
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Tyler McGinley
Cumberland, ME. A pitcher plant, “spotted at Knight’s Pond Preserve.” | Photo: Tyler McGinley
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Ken Hatch
Bethel, VT. “A chipmunk enjoying an early spring morning on April 8, 2020…it must be nice to get out after a long winter underground.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Alex Barrett
Reading, VT. “Spring is timber stand improvement time! A crop tree release treatment - marked and ready to go.” | Photo: Alex Barrett
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Ronald Becker
Fayetteville, NY. “Walking fern.” | Photo: Ronald Becker
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Tami A Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “The West Virginia white butterfly is a species in peril, but it is doing exceptionally well in parts of northeastern Ohio, where habitat remains unaffected by invasive species.” | Photo: Tami A Gingrich
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Diana Hayes
First of two photos. Manchester, NH. A view from the Massabessic Lake waterfront trail. | Photo: Diana Hayes
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Diana Hayes
Second of two photos. Manchester, NH. “Knot over water.” | Photo: Diana Hayes
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Sheri Larsen
Bolton, VT. “Lingering snow in the woods.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “White trout lily is different species than the much more common yellow trout lily, but grows in similar habitat.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Ken Hatch
Bethel, VT. “A step backward weather wise here in Bethel on April 22, 2020. Because of the snow and cold (23 degrees) this morning, my wife put some seeds out for the birds…I got this photo of a goldfinch defending the seeds from a chickadee.” | Photo: Ken Hatch
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Tracy Sherbrook
Kirby, VT. “Spring 2020: a season of deep reflection.” | Photo: Tracy Sherbrook
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Paul F. Noel
Irasburg, VT. “Spring turkey spotted during a recent hike.” | Photo: Paul F. Noel
April 2020 - Part One Photo: Sue March
Marcellus, NY. “Face in the old tree.” | Photo: Sue March

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

By checking the box above, you are agreeing to our Reader Photo Gallery Terms and Conditions.