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July 2020 - Part Two

In the Second Gallery for July, the Rodent-Chicken Mutual Appreciation Society held its summer meeting in Danville, Vermont. Lucy the Moose enjoyed an early breakfast in Alstead, New Hampshire, and up in Pownal, Maine, a swarm of damselflies vied for one tiny perch. Meanwhile, in Lake Luzerne, New York, Rodney and Amy Johnson ventured into the woods for some fun father-daughter time, photographing summer mushrooms.

View July Reader Photo Gallery Part One

July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Holt Thrasher
Greenwich, CT. “Mallards in the clover.” | Photo: Holt Thrasher
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Brett Haranin
Trumansburg, NY. A snowberry clearwing moth. | Photo: Brett Haranin
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “A bounty of mushrooms! Boletes, russula and chanterelles collected in the woodlands.” | Photo: AM Dannis
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: John Blaser
Adirondacks, NY “Sunrise on Cedar River Flow.” | Photo: John Blaser
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “Diminutive in size but spectacular in coloration - the northern red-bellied snake.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Libby Hillhouse
Danville, VT. “Young chuck and friends in the chicken yard.” | Photo: Libby Hillhouse
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Amy Johnson
First of three. Lake Luzerne. Rodney Johnson, accompanied by his daughter Amy, documented a colorful abundance of mushrooms on the forest floor. “We didn’t eat any and don’t know their names,” but “they sure are photogenic.” | Photo: Amy Johnson
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Amy Johnson
Continued. Lake Luzerne, NY. A classic woodland mushroom. | Photo: Amy Johnson
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Amy Johnson
Continued. Lake Luzerne, NY. Eye-catching red mushrooms (waxy caps?). | Photo: Amy Johnson
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Anonymous
Central VT. “A fledgling American redstart.” | Photo: Anonymous
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Pam Landry
Petersham, MA. “Female ichneumon wasp ovipositing into a snag to parasitize a pigeon horntail larvae.” | Photo: Pam Landry
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
Ashland, ME. “Did you say squirrel?” A favorite canine summer pastime. | Photo: Lonnie Jandreau
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. “Beautiful spicebush butterfly on my garden phlox.” | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Lycoming County, PA. “Timber rattlesnakes frequently rest their chins on logs or rocks waiting for a mouse or chipmunk to pass by.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Melody Salamone
North Egremont, MA. “Dyer’s polypore.” So named for its use traditional use as an ingredient for dye. | Photo: Melody Salamone
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Randall Rhoades
Alstead, NH. “Lucy the Moose grazing at dawn.” | Photo: Randall Rhoades
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Cindy Morin
Pownal, ME. A group of damselflies, vying for a perch in a pond. | Photo: Cindy Morin
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Jen Danly
Woodstock, VT. Common wood-nymphs. | Photo: Jen Danly
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Deb Clough
Grafton, NH. A loon preens its feathers. | Photo: Deb Clough
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Wild blueberry season!” | Photo: AM Dannis
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Ron Becker
Fayetteville, NY. “Found this Promethea moth perched above my doorway one recent morning.” | Photo: Ron Becker
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
First of three. Lyman, NH. Photographer Frank Kaczmarek sent us a series of images of robin chicks in their first two weeks of life. We’re sharing three images as part of the gallery. Here’s an image from July 1, two days after hatching. | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Continued. “Seven days post hatch.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
Continued. “Eleven days post hatch.” In just two more days, they were “ready to fledge.” | Photo: Frank Kaczmarek
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. A spotted turtle. | Photo: Tami Gingrich
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “Buttonbush is a native shrub of wetlands and pond edges.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. “A red fox takes a stroll through the woods.” | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Sally Cornwell
Brookfield, NH. Red eft. | Photo: Sally Cornwell
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “These Datana caterpillars seem to enjoy blueberries, their host plant, as much as we do!” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. “Bumble on liatris.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Deb Clough
Grafton, NH. A coral hairstreak. “Nature aglow!” | Photo: Deb Clough
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Jen Danly
Woodstock, VT. “Milkweeds are a magnet for butterflies and other pollinators.” | Photo: Jen Danly
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Elise Tillinghast
Thetford Center, VT. “Slime mold, most likely Fuligo septica, aka “scrambled eggs” slime mold.” | Photo: Elise Tillinghast
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Ross Lanius
North Haven, CT. “Witch-hazel nuts.” | Photo: Ross Lanius
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “Monarch caterpillar enjoying the tender milkweed blossoms.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Frank Gorga
First of three. Gregg Lake, Antrim NH. Dragonhunter (female). | Photo: Frank Gorga
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Frank Gorga
Continued. Gregg Lake, Antrim NH. Frosted Whiteface (male). | Photo: Frank Gorga
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Frank Gorga
Continued. Gregg Lake, Antrim NH. Lancet Clubtail (female) with Prey. | Photo: Frank Gorga
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Sarah Walsh
New Scotland, NY. “The Helderberg Escarpment.” | Photo: Sarah Walsh
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Sharon Bombard
Williamstown, MA. “Found this finely woven nest in a small grove of mostly maple saplings. But never saw any birds nearby so I looked inside.” | Photo: Sharon Bombard
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Tomentose burying beetle. The little guys are hitchhikers that help the beetle by feeding on fly larvae.” | Photo: AM Dannis
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Sheri Larsen
Grand Isle, VT. “Rainbow over a field after a thunder storm.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “The spicebush swallowtail turns a spectacular shade of tangerine shortly before it forms a chrysalis.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Elise Tillinghast
Thetford Center, VT. A northern pearly eye peers out from the leaves. | Photo: Elise Tillinghast
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Jen Danly
Woodstock, VT. “A chalk-fronted corporal alights on my leg.” | Photo: Jen Danly
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Sheri Larsen
Hyde Park, VT. “Kayaking on Green River Reservoir on a beautiful summer day.” | Photo: Sheri Larsen
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Ross Lanius
New Haven, CT. A diamondback terrapin, “a species of special concern in Connecticut.” Although not a woods species, the terrapin is one of many that rely on water protected by upstream forests. | Photo: Ross Lanius
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Elimsport, PA. “Halloween pennant dragonflies often forage over old fields far from water.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
July 2020 - Part Two Photo: Anonymous
Central VT. In the last week of July, chokecherries are starting to ripen. | Photo: Anonymous

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

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