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Decorative woodsy background

January 2020

In your January photos, birds dined on frozen fruit, a fisher inspected a yard, and a ten-point buck celebrated the end of hunting season. A boy tried out new snowshoes given by his grandfather, landowners planned an ash harvest, and Sadie Mae eagerly awaited her walk in the woods.

January 2020 Photo: Steven Hillier
Rochester, VT. “Large Moose on South Hill.” | Photo: Steven Hillier
January 2020 Photo: Cheryl Dziura-Duke
Woodstock, CT. “Back-tracking bobcat.” | Photo: Cheryl Dziura-Duke
January 2020 Photo: David Gomeau
West Gardiner, ME. A pine martin peers down from a beech. | Photo: David Gomeau
January 2020 Photo: Leo Lafaialii
Norridgewock, ME. “Our boy, testing out his new snowshoes from his grandfather, at Wilder Hill Trails in Norridgewock, on New Year’s Day.” | Photo: Leo Lafaialii
January 2020 Photo: Lonnie S Jandreau
Ashland, ME. “Grouse warming itself in the sun.” | Photo: Lonnie S Jandreau
January 2020 Photo: Matthew Cekuta
Waldoboro, ME. “Western Light.” The photographer noted the log pile and “pattern of the snow blown against the oaks.” | Photo: Matthew Cekuta
January 2020 Photo: Jill Herrick-Lee
Quechee, VT. A view looking up at the new “Forest Canopy Walk” at the Vermont Institute of Natural Science. | Photo: Jill Herrick-Lee
January 2020 Photo: Kevin MacKenzie
Upper Jay, NY. “Curious doe.” | Photo: Kevin MacKenzie
January 2020 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “This feisty winter resident, the Tufted Titmouse, is just daring you to come a little closer!” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
January 2020 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Lycoming County, PA. “Rock Run in the Loyalsock State Forest.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
January 2020 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “White birch keeping an eye on winter.” | Photo: AM Dannis
January 2020 Photo: Emily Lord
Middleton, NH. “At first light on New Year’s Day, a cluster of robins appeared in the winterberry and surrounding forest by our cabin. A welcome sign of renewal, joy, and good luck for the new year.” | Photo: Emily Lord
January 2020 Photo: John Knapp
Oxford, NY. “Some white ash marked for harvest in front of the EAB epidemic, in Oxford NY. The trees will be taken as part of the forest management plan that landowners John & Stacie Knapp have laid out with their consulting forester and the approval of the NYS DEC.” | Photo: John Knapp
January 2020 Photo: Patricia Liddle
New Lebanon, NY. “Sleigh ride.” | Photo: Patricia Liddle
January 2020 Photo: Dan Hart
Middlefield MA. “Piebald deer.” | Photo: Dan Hart
January 2020 Photo: David Gomeau
West Gardiner, ME. “Cooper’s hawk enjoying his breakfast.” | Photo: David Gomeau
January 2020 Photo: Nate Rosebrooks
Southern Ontario, Canada. “Follow the grain - a pileated woodpecker tree.” | Photo: Nate Rosebrooks
January 2020 Photo: Bonita Choly
Bennington, VT. Tree skeleton. | Photo: Bonita Choly
January 2020 Photo: John Knapp
Oxford, NY. Why was this snake lying dead in the snow? Perhaps it’s “an unfortunate victim of a January thaw.” | Photo: John Knapp
January 2020 Photo: Paul Blossom
Braintree, VT. A robin feeds on last year’s fruit. | Photo: Paul Blossom
January 2020 Photo: Gordon Gould
Waterford, VT. “The sun suddenly pops out after the rain during a January thaw.” | Photo: Gordon Gould
January 2020 Photo: David Gomeau
West Gardiner, ME. “Turkey searching for acorns.” | Photo: David Gomeau
January 2020 Photo: Matthew Cekuta
Jefferson, ME. Winterberries, “found on a beaver lodge of Damariscotta Lake.” | Photo: Matthew Cekuta
January 2020 Photo: Susan E March
Old Fly Marsh, Pompey, NY. “After the windstorm the hemlock shows her roots.” | Photo: Susan E March
January 2020 Photo: Robert Becker
Tewksbury, NJ. “Ice on Ilex.” | Photo: Robert Becker
January 2020 Photo: Lonnie S Jandreau
Ashland, ME. “Feeding time.” | Photo: Lonnie S Jandreau
January 2020 Photo: Geoff FitzGerald
Calais, VT. “Fisher in flight.” | Photo: Geoff FitzGerald
January 2020 Photo: Susan E March
Pompey, NY. “Cozy roots at Old Fly Marsh.” | Photo: Susan E March
January 2020 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “A lone beech tree in an oak/hemlock woodland produced an abundance of root sprouts.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
January 2020 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Last year's clutch of puffballs pop out again during mid-January thaw.” | Photo: AM Dannis
January 2020 Photo: Renee Ferland
Colebrook, NH. “Windshield art.” | Photo: Renee Ferland
January 2020 Photo: Harriet Szanto
South Lincoln, VT. “Here is a fisher that was in our yard. I think he wanted to steal our suet.” Pic 1 of 3. | Photo: Harriet Szanto
January 2020 Photo: Harriet Szanto
Continued: The second photo of the fisher exploring the yard. | Photo: Harriet Szanto
January 2020 Photo: Harriet Szanto
Continued: A third fisher photo. | Photo: Harriet Szanto
January 2020 Photo: Gordon Gould
Waterford, VT. “A tractor pulls into the landing with another hitch of spruce and fir on a cold January day.” | Photo: Gordon Gould
January 2020 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Winter sun through spruce firs.” | Photo: AM Dannis
January 2020 Photo: Alex Barrett
Reading, VT. “A forester checks in on his work.” | Photo: Alex Barrett
January 2020 Photo: Alice McCormack
Epsom, NH. “Flicker.” | Photo: Alice McCormack
January 2020 Photo: Rod
Lake Luzerne, NY. “Possibly a red eyed vireo’s nest.” | Photo: Rod
January 2020 Photo: Paul Blossom
Braintree, VT. “Where is the other one??” | Photo: Paul Blossom
January 2020 Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. (In answer to the previous photo…maybe Pennsylvania?) “This time of the year, I look ridiculous.” | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
January 2020 Photo: Laurie Dirkx
Ontario, NY. “A southerly facing barred owl, to absorb the warmth of the sun.” | Photo: Laurie Dirkx
January 2020 Photo: Patricia Liddle
Kinderhook, NY. “Leftovers lying on a moss table cloth.” | Photo: Patricia Liddle
January 2020 Photo: Susan E. March
Marcellus, NY. “Even the snow sticks with burdock!” | Photo: Susan E. March
January 2020 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “I marvel every time I lay eyes on a cedar waxwing…This individual was one of a flock that showed up on my winterberry bushes during the recent cold spell.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
January 2020 Photo: Philip Polk
Princeton, ME. “Spruce partridge in a pine tree.” | Photo: Philip Polk
January 2020 Photo: Paul Blossom
Braintree, VT. Adult beaver and yearling. “Always share your food.” | Photo: Paul Blossom
January 2020 Photo: Tami Gingrich
Middlefield, OH. “Sadie Mae anticipates a hike through the winter woods.” | Photo: Tami Gingrich
January 2020 Photo: Patricia Liddle
Kinderhook, NY. “Odd growth on an oak.” | Photo: Patricia Liddle
January 2020 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Lycoming County, PA. “Ten-point white-tailed buck that survived hunting season.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
January 2020 Photo: William Coder
Bedford, NH. “Two pileated woodpeckers.” | Photo: William Coder
January 2020 Photo: Susan E. March
Marietta, NY. “Snowy Fox Road.” | Photo: Susan E. March
January 2020 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “Yellow-bellied sapsuckers normally spend the winter south of our area, but not this male.” | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
January 2020 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Hop hornbeam (aka ironwood) catkins. A hard, dense wood used for crafting tool handles. Burns really hot in your wood stove!” | Photo: AM Dannis
January 2020 Photo: David Gomeau
West Gardiner, ME. “Cardinal toughing out a Maine winter storm.” | Photo: David Gomeau

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

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