We’ve found many examples of this funky fungal form along trails this past week, ranging from pale orange to brick red in color, all having the basic mushroom cap and stem shape, but none…
What in the Woods is That?
Circle of…Life?
We spotted this moth on a tree in Concord, New Hampshire. What species is it? What is it doing? And what’s with the dead caterpillars nearby?
Funky Ferns
On a walk in the rain, we found this silk-wrapped package of Christmas fern frond leaflets. What created this fern ball? And what benefit does it provide?
Derrière Distinction
Despite those wildlife glamour shots we all love, the truth is that we often glimpse only the backside of a creature as it hurries out of sight. Here’s a posterior shot, taken near a garden…
Insect ID
We found this insect trundling across the parking lot at the Northern Woodlands office recently. What is it? (For extra credit, what’s that yellow stuff on its body?)
Sad Sapling
On a recent walk through a woodlot in Greensboro, Vermont, friends encountered a healthy patch of sugar maple seedlings, but one tree (left) appeared to be dying. Closer inspection showed…
Puzzling Plant
While out pulling invasive garlic mustard, we found what looks like a weird purple carrot sprouting from the leaf litter. What is this?
Shadow Stalking
This shadowy image appeared on a game camera placed in the Vermont woods. What is it?
Springing Forth!
We spotted these spring leaves emerging from the leaf litter beneath an apple tree in northern New Hampshire. What plant do they belong to?
Cone You Believe It?
While out walking in a wetland in Lyme, New Hampshire, we found a whole thicket of...pinecone bearing hardwood shrubs?!? What is going on in this photo?
A Mess in the Woods
We found these splintery wood chips scattered across the snow beneath a sugar maple in a Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, forest. What happened here?
Snow Walker
Even in early March, you can still sometimes find invertebrates crawling across the surface of deep snow. What is this little creature?
Holey Oak!
Reader Barbara Strell sent in this photo of a series of holes punched into the bottom of an oak tree in New Hampshire. What happened here?
Who Walked This Way?
We discovered these tracks in a snowy field next to a shed in central Vermont. Who left these prints?
Winter Wonder
Atop Cannon Mountain (elev. 4,081 feet) in Franconia, New Hampshire, we spotted feathery white formations growing sideways from trees and the railings of an observation tower at the summit.…
January Jack-o-lanterns?
We found what looked like tiny pumpkins balanced on 6-inch stems rising from the forest floor. What are these?
Winter Green
Through the cold and snow of winter, some plants remain evergreen. Here are four we found recently in the woods. What are they?
Cubist Curiosity
This rust-colored log reminds us of Picasso’s 1910 work, “Girl with a Mandolin.” Assuming that the artist hasn’t reincarnated and begun traipsing around the woods of the Northeast,…
A Fascinating Find
While walking in a stand of hemlocks and spruce, we found an area where a deer had dug extensively into the soft ground. Close inspection revealed a number of broken, soft-bodied yellow stems,…
Seeing Spots
What caused the spotting on this maple leaf? And for extra credit, what species of maple tree produced this leaf?