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Decorative woodsy background

What in the Woods is That?

Whose Seeds are These?

In the January woods, we found these tree seeds and bracts on top of snow. Which trees dropped these?

Birch Snacks

We found these marks on a birch tree, about a foot above the snow, during a ski through the woods this week. Who’s been noshing on this tree?

Still Life in Silhouette

We recently took this photo of a fruit laden tree in silhouette. What is it?

Corny Conundrum

Who raided a cornfield, took out a patch of stalks, and dragged them down into the wetlands?

Puzzling Piece

This chunk of bark, which stood out against a backdrop of fallen brown leaves, seems to be a missing piece of a puzzle. What happened here?

Streamside Spectacle

We found what appeared to be scraps of dinosaur skin under the leaves by a stream. What is this?

Can You ID These Leaves?

We’ve reached that point of autumn where there seem to be as many leaves on the ground as there are left clinging to trees and shrubs and vines. A quick leaf-gathering walk near the Northern…

Name That Fungi

We found these funky fungi with curled back, slimy caps growing in a mixed hardwood stand in central Vermont. What are these?

Rock of Ages

Geologist Peter Thompson photographed these rocks in East Thetford, Vermont. What is the rock type, and what would you call structures like this?

Name That Berry

This time of year, summer’s bounty of blooming things is transitioning from flower to fruit. The first image was shared by Bruce Lindwall of Craftsbury, Vermont, who wrote, “There may be…

Double Mystery

Reader John Ford of Laconia, New Hampshire, shared the top photo of “strange deposits on a beech tree” the same day Jim Cummings of Kennebunk, Maine, sent in the bottom photo of a similar…

Who Cooks for You?

The barred owl’s call is often described as sounding like Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you-all? Owls don’t cook at all, of course, but this one (photographed by reader Sandy Dannis)…

Mystery in Mariaville

Reader Tammis Coffin sent in this mystery macro photo of something she spotted on a rainy day in the woods of Mariaville, Maine, early this month. What is this?

Mystery in the Orchard

This fledgling bird was found in an old apple orchard covered with grape vines and bordered by forest, about 660 feet above sea level, on June 24th. What species is it?

Bubbling Birch?

A reader in Stony Creek, New York, submitted this photo of a bubbly substance at the base of a yellow birch. What’s brewing here?

Totally Tubular

Reader Tammis Coffin found this colorful tube (and several others like it) on the ground last month at Bartholomew’s Cobble in Sheffield, Massachusetts. Is it a fairy’s trumpet? Nope. What is it?

Furtive Flowers

A reader in the Finger Lakes region of New York sent in this photo of flowers he’d never spotted before. What are they?

It’s a Bird. It’s a Plane. It’s…?

While driving north from New York City to New Hampshire, reader Liam Coyle spotted this large flock flying overhead, just after crossing into Connecticut on I-95. What are these birds?

Ear’s Looking at You

We found this ear poking out from some logs and twitching now and then as it monitored outside activity. Whose ear is it? (Thanks to Tig Tillinghast for the photo).


Reader Tammis Coffin spotted this leaf-like form attached to a standing dead tree in western Massachusetts. What is it?