Michael Low knows intimately every footstep of his 67-acre Green Fire Farm. He has worked this land for a dozen years, and his wife and business partner, Hart Brent, has been here a decade…
Field Work
Field Work: At Work Developing Carbon Offsets with Finite Carbon
Carbon has gotten a bum rap lately. Once called the fundamental building block of life, it’s now better known as the thing that’s going to destroy the planet. As if this…
Field Work: At Work (Exporting Wood) with Ally Global Logistics
Wood has been moved by water for hundreds of years. But these days the quest isn’t to move logs downriver to the mill as much as it is to float them to Pakistan, Vietnam, China, or…
Field Work: At Work Logging (and Training) with John Adler
John Adler happens to be a logger, but more inherently he’s a thinker. Spend a little time with him and you quickly realize that whether he had chosen to be a banker, a builder,…
Field Work: At Work Mining Timber with Tom Shafer
Tom Shafer’s business is mining trees. It’s not really harvesting; maybe re-harvesting. “Recovering a forgotten forest” is his company motto. He likes to think of it as…
Field Work: At Work Searching for Sweet-Sounding Spruce
If John Griffin had a theme song to describe his life, it might very well be Willie Nelson’s “On the Road Again.” Griffin’s business, Old Standard Wood, is…
The Gospel of Red Spruce
We were inspired to learn more about red spruce from an instrument-making perspective, so we visited luthier Don Wilson in Arlington, Vermont, and asked him a few questions. Why use spruce in…
Field Work: At Work Chipping Trees with the Hardwick Family
Donnie Hardwick Jr. is a spitting image of his father. In the picture hanging in the lobby of the family business, Donnie Sr. sports a scraggly beard, wide-rimmed glasses, and a blue crocheted…
Field Work: At Work Starting (and Putting Out) Fires with Fire Management Services
Last year, May first was about as nice a spring day as you could ask for. Dawn broke cool, maybe a touch of frost in the cold spots, but the sky was high – just blue jay blue – and…
At Work Trucking Logs with Don Moore, Jr.
Log truckers have nothing to haul if loggers aren’t cutting wood, and the rain this past summer kept loggers out of the woods for weeks at a time. Don Moore, Jr., a log truck operator…