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Field Work

Melissa Fierke

Melissa Fierke’s journey to becoming assistant professor of forest entomology at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, New York, began when the former loan officer…

At Work Turning Wood with Richard Montague

The nineteenth-century English bodger is a romantic figure in woodturning lore. Members of that extinct breed made their living in the hilly beech forests north of London. They felled trees,…

At Work with Taxidermist Leon Verville

In the basement of the New Hampshire Fish and Game department’s Concord office, down an industrial gray set of stairs, and through a hallway that smells like an elementary school…

At Work with Bob Haines

Connecticut forester, logger, and all-around woodskeeper Bob Haines abides by two principles: waste not, want not; and take the time to do it right. Haines has an aura of calm thoughtfulness.…

At Work Procuring Wood for Biomass Plants with Hunter Carbee

Every community has its hubs: those people who tie disparate strands of the network together, who collect and distribute information. For the forest products industry in northern New England,…

At Work Guiding in the Adirondacks with Lynn Malerba

In winter, Lynn Malerba’s peak experiences don’t occur on mountaintops. Her idea of a great February weekend is to teach a small group of novice explorers how to thrive on the…

At Work Making Coffins with Richard Winter

When Richard Winter builds a coffin, he needs a few basic measurements – the occupant’s height, width, and weight – but he also wants to know the person’s name. The…

At Work Making Pack Baskets with Bill Mackowski

Bill Mackowski’s stick-built house and rustic outbuildings in Milford, Maine, taken as a whole, suggest a frontier settlement more than a modern, private residence. Antique tools,…

At Work in the Maine Woods with Logger Tom Cushman

The office of Tom Cushman’s company, Maine Custom Woodlands, LLC, in New Gloucester, Maine, is surrounded on the Pineland Campus by large companies such as Apple Computer and Energy…

At Work Improving Woodlots with Paul Cate

Sitting in Paul and Sandal Cate’s living room in East Montpelier, Vermont, you are literally surrounded by Paul’s life-work: a forestry philosophy put into action. The outer walls…