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September 2015

Your photos showed baby snapping turtles emerging from the mud, a heron snacking on a huge fish, and one very tired looking daddy cardinal. Maples began to turn, kids frolicked on the rocks, and those of us who managed to stay awake late on September 27, enjoyed the spectacle of a total lunar eclipse and a blood moon.

We’re now on the hunt for October 2015 photos. We encourage you to share images about anything that relates to the Northeast’s forests, and that you take this month. Here are examples – but by no means an exclusive list – of photo topics that fit this category: nature, weather, education activities (any age), forest management/logging, recreation, wood manufacture, art, workshops, events. As long as it relates in some way to the Northeast’s forests, we’ll consider it.

September 2015 Photo: Susan Elliott
Vermont: “A red maple kicks off the new season.” Credit: Susan Elliott | Photo: Susan Elliott
September 2015 Photo: MK Beach
Etna, NH: “A good dad! Cardinal feeding one of his young. And molting!” Credit: MK Beach | Photo: MK Beach
September 2015 Photo: Tig Tillinghast
First in a series of three. Thetford, VT: On September 28, the combination of a supermoon and total lunar eclipse resulted in a rare “blood moon.” Credit: Tig Tillinghast | Photo: Tig Tillinghast
September 2015 Photo: Tig Tillinghast
Continued. | Photo: Tig Tillinghast
September 2015 Photo: Tig Tillinghast
Continued. | Photo: Tig Tillinghast
September 2015 Photo: MK Beach
Thetford, VT: River walk along the Ompompanoosuc. “What a glorious end-of-summer!” Credit: MK Beach | Photo: MK Beach
September 2015 Photo: Bob Doiron
Wayne, ME: “Lion head mushroom, taken on September 4.” Credit: Bob Doiron | Photo: Bob Doiron
September 2015 Photo: David Matthews
Fairlee, VT: Coyote as bird dog? The coyote was watching at least three tom turkeys on the other side of a food plot. Credit: David Matthews | Photo: David Matthews
September 2015 Photo: Laurel Dennison
Enfield, NH: “This was taken on my front lawn by Spectacle Pond. Just trying to get a different perspective – a bug’s eye view!” Credit: Laurel Dennison | Photo: Laurel Dennison
September 2015 Photo: Helene Grogan
Buckland, MA: “Great blue heron with a good-sized lunch of brook trout (I think).” Credit: Helene Grogan | Photo: Helene Grogan
September 2015 Photo: Laurel Denison
Hanover, NH: A bald eagle, perched near Wilder Dam on the Connecticut River. Credit: Laurel Denison | Photo: Laurel Denison
September 2015 Photo: Carolyn
East Wallingford, VT: “Preview of fall and memory of summer.” A sugar maple photographed on September 11. Credit: Carolyn | Photo: Carolyn
September 2015 Photo: Patrick White
Middlesex, VT: A view of Northern Woodlands assistant editor Patrick White’s Christmas tree farm. “Beautiful day, some nice foliage in the background...8,000 trees nearly all sheared after four months of work!” Credit: Patrick White | Photo: Patrick White
September 2015 Photo: Betsy Corning
Vienna, ME: Baby snapping turtles emerge from their nest. “Note the three heads still in the hole. I counted eight but there may have been more. All had departed by the morning.” Credit: Betsy Corning | Photo: Betsy Corning
September 2015 Photo: Helene Grogan
Buckland, MA: “River otter taking a morning swim. Gotta love those whiskers!” Credit: Helene Grogan | Photo: Helene Grogan
September 2015 Photo: Meghan McCarthy McPhaul
Franconia, NH: A late season caterpillar. Note the infestation on its head. Credit: Meghan McCarthy McPhaul | Photo: Meghan McCarthy McPhaul
September 2015 Photo: David Matthews
Fairlee, VT: This collared black bear has at least one cub. “Forest Hammond, a Vermont black bear biologist, believes she is one of Ben Kilham’s rehabilitated bears named Clarkie.” Credit: David Matthews | Photo: David Matthews
September 2015 Photo: Tig Tillinghast
Thetford, VT: Milkweed seeds released from their pod and ready to fly. Credit: Tig Tillinghast | Photo: Tig Tillinghast
September 2015 Photo: Nancy Rogers
Roxbury, VT: “Cluck, cluck.” Credit: Nancy Rogers | Photo: Nancy Rogers
September 2015 Photo: Helene Grogan
Buckland, MA: “Wood ducks on a beaver-felled tree.” Credit: Helene Grogan | Photo: Helene Grogan
September 2015 Photo: MK Beach
Thetford, VT : Author and Dartmouth professor Terry Osborne visits the top of Bill Hill – well known to readers of Noel Perrin’s essays – on September 18th (Perrin’s birthday). Credit: MK Beach | Photo: MK Beach
September 2015 Photo: Brett Huggett
Lewiston, ME: Witch hazel leaves at Thorncrag Nature Sanctuary. Credit: Brett Huggett | Photo: Brett Huggett
September 2015 Photo: Vanessa David
Darien, CT: Early September at Selleck’s Woods. Credit: Vanessa David | Photo: Vanessa David
September 2015 Photo: Helene Grogan
Buckland, MA: “This maple always turns a little early for the area.” Credit: Helene Grogan | Photo: Helene Grogan
September 2015 Photo: Meghan McCarthy McPhaul
Franconia, NH: Kids explore Bridesmaid Falls in Franconia. Credit: Meghan McCarthy McPhaul | Photo: Meghan McCarthy McPhaul

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

By checking the box above, you are agreeing to our Reader Photo Gallery Terms and Conditions.