At age 4, living with his family in Oklahoma, Eric Orff would spend as much time as he could catching horned toads and tarantulas. “I knew that someday I would work with animals and…
Wood Lit
Calling Wild Places Home
Laura Waterman’s latest book reflects on an extraordinary life as a wilderness steward, homesteader, mountaineer, and writer. It also offers heart-wrenching insight into the death of her…
How to Love a Forest: The Bittersweet Work of Tending a Changing World
Spending time in the woods can prompt reflection, especially when one has decisions to make. For forester and writer Ethan Tapper, who also pens the Forest Insights column for this magazine,…
An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us
In An Immense World, Pulitzer Prize–winning science journalist Ed Yong reveals entirely new ways to think about the world around us. Reading this mind-blowing account of animal evolution…
A Year of Birds: Writings on Birds from the Journal of Henry David Thoreau
Walden is Thoreau’s most famous book, but for some readers, the journal he kept for his entire adult life is the favorite. Editor Geoff Wisner has selected text from the journal for a…
The Hidden Company That Trees Keep: Life from Treetops to Root Tips
If you want to explore new frontiers, look no farther than the nearest forest. Each tree, from roots to branches, is home to its own complex and minute ecosystems. James Nardi’s The…
Of Time and Turtles: Mending the World, Shell by Shattered Shell
“Turtles are the most imperiled major group of animals on earth,” writes Sy Montgomery in her most recent book. “Like other wild animals, turtle populations shrink when…
North Woods
In his stunning novel North Woods, Daniel Mason offers a rich, satisfying tale from the northern forest. The protagonist is a house, and its story extends from the seventeenth century to the…
Educating Children Outdoors: Lessons in Nature-Based Learning
In Educating Children Outdoors, Amy Butler presents her concentrated nature education knowledge from 13 years of outdoor place-based teaching in Vermont. Masquerading as compelling nature…
Tree Stories
Stefan Mancuso would like all of us to pay more attention to trees. He’s a plant neurobiologist (a self-proclaimed “botany nerd”) who teaches at the University of Florence.…
The Shotgun Conservationist
As a young woman and Asian American urbanite, I defy almost every expectation of who an American hunter should be. So I was both captivated and inspired by Brant MacDuff’s nonfiction…
Mason Goes Mushrooming
In Mason Goes Mushrooming, author Melany Kahn and her young protagonist, Mason, take readers on a series of imaginary foraging adventures, and every walk is a treasure hunt. Each adventure…
Big Trees of Northern New England
Short Hikes to the Biggest Trees in Northern Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine If you come across an especially large tree in town or on a hike, and you don’t marvel at…
This Is a Book for People Who Love Mushrooms
Do you love mushrooms, or think you might love them if you knew more about them? This Is a Book for People Who Love Mushrooms is written for you: a fun and colorful pocket guide to a selection…
Bald Eagles, Bear Cubs and Hermit Bill: Memories of a Maine Wildlife Biologist
Avid readers, including me, always are on the hunt for a can’t-put-it-down, read-in-one-sitting book. Bald Eagles, Bear Cubs and Hermit Bill: Memories of a Maine Wildlife Biologist by…
White Pine: The Natural and Human History of a Foundational American Tree
Many years ago, I visited a small stand of virgin white pine older than the Declaration of Independence in Bradford, New Hampshire, not far from the Warner River: 20 or so trees much more than…
Notes on the Landscape of Home
Susan Hand Shetterly arrived in Prospect Harbor, Maine, as a young woman, a self-described “back-to-the-lander who’d never learned from the land, but was about to.” Along…
This Land Was Saved for You and Me
How Gifford Pinchot, Frederick Law Olmsted, and a Band of Foresters Rescued America’s Public Lands In This Land Was Saved for You and Me: How Gifford Pinchot, Frederick Law Olmsted, and…
Fen, Bog & Swamp: A Short History of Peatland Destruction and Its Role in the Climate Crisis
The best writers, whether they focus on fiction or truth, are first and foremost storytellers. Pulitzer Prize winner Annie Proulx is among the best. In her slim volume, Fen, Bog & Swamp: A…
Learning the Birds: A Midlife Adventure
At the age of 49, Susan Fox Rogers had reached an inflection point in life, single and with no children, both parents recently passed away, and immersed in a happy teaching and writing career…