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August 2017

In the words of Sarah Orne Jewett, late summer is a time when “the spirit of autumn takes a first stealthy flight, like a spy, through the ripening countryside.”  Your August photos captured this spirit in the plump fruit of white baneberry, in velvet antlers of deer and elk, and in hawkweed and fireweed going to seed. Autumn may be lurking, but the strength of summer still shines through these images like the sun through morning mist.

We’re now looking for September 2017 photos that relate to northeastern forests. These could be images of plants, wildlife, weather, forest management, wood processing, educational activities, recreation, art, landscapes, or events. To submit your photos, please use the form below. Thank you!

Submission Deadline for the September Gallery: Monday, September 25, 2017

August 2017 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Lycoming County, PA. “Whitetail buck amid joe-pye weed along Pine Creek.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
August 2017 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum), aka devil's paintbrush.” Credit: AM Dannis | Photo: AM Dannis
August 2017 Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. “There is nothing better than a slightly foggy morning with glistening spiderwebs.” Credit: Bonnie Honaberger | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
August 2017 Photo: Susan Elliott
Castleton, VT. “Blue dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis) at Glen Lake in Castleton.” Credit: Susan Elliott | Photo: Susan Elliott
August 2017 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “White baneberry (Actaea pachypoda), also known as doll's eye. Although stunning to look at, these berries are very poisonous!” Credit: AM Dannis | Photo: AM Dannis
August 2017 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Winslow Hill, Elk County, PA. “Young bull elk. The last native elk was killed in the 1870s; this young male is one of about 1,000 now living in the historic range that are descended from elk reintroduced 100 years ago.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
August 2017 Photo: Judy Cantwell
Canton, CT. “August mist.” Credit: Judy Cantwell | Photo: Judy Cantwell
August 2017 Photo: Sophie Zyla
Milan, NH. “Cedar waxwings enjoying the swarm of bugs found at the top of a pine tree in Milan Hill State Park, New Hampshire on 8/22/17.” Credit: Sophie Zyla | Photo: Sophie Zyla
August 2017 Photo: Teddy Hopkins
Readsboro , VT. “Summer mowing.” Credit: Teddy Hopkins | Photo: Teddy Hopkins
August 2017 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Undercast at sunrise looking north up the upper Connecticut River Valley toward Percy Peaks and beyond.” Credit: AM Dannis | Photo: AM Dannis
August 2017 Photo: Laurie Dirkx
Buffalo, NY. “Leucistic whitetail doe.” Credit: Laurie Dirkx | Photo: Laurie Dirkx
August 2017 Photo: Dave Mance III
North Bennington, VT: The eclipse turned the trees into pinhole cameras. Everywhere the light leaked through the foliage you could see a little half sun. Credit: Dave Mance III | Photo: Dave Mance III
August 2017 Photo: Janice Muehlberg
Waterville Valley, NH. Goldenrod and fireweed. Credit: Janice Muehlberg | Photo: Janice Muehlberg
August 2017 Photo: Laurie Morrissey
Sutton, NH. “A relaxed northern water snake who didn't mind me watching him near Blaisdell Lake one afternoon.” Credit: Laurie Morrissey | Photo: Laurie Morrissey
August 2017 Photo: Ed Baum
Hermon, ME. “Shhh, sounds like that big, green Deere is headed this way again!” Credit: Ed Baum | Photo: Ed Baum
August 2017 Photo: Ed Patterson
Indiana County, PA. “Rainbow at Buttermilk Falls. There may be no more common name for waterfalls than Buttermilk Falls; it seems that every place has one. This one is located in western PA and was once owned by Fred McFeely, grandfather of the children's television host Fred Rogers.” Credit: Ed Patterson | Photo: Ed Patterson
August 2017 Photo: Mena Schmid
Summit of Carr Mountain, NH. “White admiral on fir at summit of Carr Mountain, White Mountains, NH.” Credit: Mena Schmid | Photo: Mena Schmid
August 2017 Photo: Garry Plunkett
Tiverton, RI. “Black birch bark art at Pocasset Ridge.” Credit: Garry Plunkett | Photo: Garry Plunkett
August 2017 Photo: Teddy Hopkins
Readsboro, VT. “Old power insulator exposed from pine tree.” Credit: Teddy Hopkins | Photo: Teddy Hopkins
August 2017 Photo: Jen Danly
Woodstock, VT. “Condensation from fog renders the orb web of a yellow garden spider (Argiope aurantia) highly visible.” Credit: Jen Danly | Photo: Jen Danly
August 2017 Photo: Carol Prost
Harvard, MA. “Homage to Monet.” Credit: Carol Prost | Photo: Carol Prost
August 2017 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “This colorful small mushroom grows in diverse hardwood/hemlock woodland on moist soils.” (probably Hygrocybe conica, aka conical wax cap, aka witch’s hat) Credit: Charlie Schwarz | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
August 2017 Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. “American copper butterfly on one of my blue vervain plants.” Credit: Bonnie Honaberger | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
August 2017 Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Snydertown, PA. “Black swallowtail on my oriental lily.” Credit: Bonnie Honaberger | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
August 2017 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Helleborine (Epipactis helleborine), a woodland wildflower and member of the orchid family.” Credit: AM Dannis | Photo: AM Dannis
August 2017 Photo: AM Dannis
Dalton, NH. “Pretty to look at, nasty to touch! Bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare).” Credit: AM Dannis | Photo: AM Dannis
August 2017 Photo: Susan Makowiecki
New Boston, NH. An adult loon with three-week-old chicks. Credit: Susan Makowiecki | Photo: Susan Makowiecki
August 2017 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Tioga State Forest, PA. “A raven on the Tioga State Forest in north-central Pennsylvania.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
August 2017 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
South Williamsport, PA. “In wooded wetlands and along stream edges, turtlehead blooms in late summer.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
August 2017 Photo: Laurie Dirkx
Buffalo, NY. “A great egret and great blue heron perched on flooded timber at the Tifft Nature Preserve.” Credit: Laurie Dirkx | Photo: Laurie Dirkx
August 2017 Photo: Peter Hollinger
Sharon, VT. “UFO flying by game cam (3 frames). Sphinx moth?” Credit: Peter Hollinger | Photo: Peter Hollinger
August 2017 Photo: Jen Danly
Woodstock, VT. “These honeybees are carrying colorful pollen from different flower species.” Credit: Jen Danly | Photo: Jen Danly
August 2017 Photo: Helene Grogan
Buckland, MA. “Great blue heron, looking a bit disheveled.” Credit: Helene Grogan | Photo: Helene Grogan
August 2017 Photo: Helene Grogan
Buckland, MA. “A local beaver stopped by briefly for a bite to eat.” Credit: Helene Grogan | Photo: Helene Grogan
August 2017 Photo: Lisa Johnson
Worcester, MA. “Dragonfly resting on a leaf.” Credit: Lisa Johnson | Photo: Lisa Johnson
August 2017 Photo: Lisa Johnson
Worcester, MA. Gypsy moth mothers laying eggs. Credit: Lisa Johnson | Photo: Lisa Johnson
August 2017 Photo: Lisa Johnson
Worcester, MA. “Strange tree formation seen while walking through the woods.” Credit: Lisa Johnson | Photo: Lisa Johnson
August 2017 Photo: Lisa Johnson
Worcester, MA. “Wildflower and insect in silhouette.” Credit: Lisa Johnson | Photo: Lisa Johnson
August 2017 Photo: Sophie Zyla
Milan, NH. “Chipping sparrows at Milan Hill State Park were busy foraging and picking up many hefty snacks!” Credit: Sophie Zyla | Photo: Sophie Zyla
August 2017 Photo: Sophie Zyla
Milan, NH. “Cedar waxwings were very active at Milan Hill State Park in NH on 8/22/17.” Credit: Sophie Zyla | Photo: Sophie Zyla
August 2017 Photo: Diana Todd
Halifax, VT. Looks lovely, but it's a pest. Wall lettuce (Mycelis muralis) has invaded our patch cut. It's not formally considered a noxious weed in Vermont, but it is on the watch list.” Credit: Diana Todd | Photo: Diana Todd
August 2017 Photo: Charlie Schwarz
Lycoming County, PA. “Sharp-shinned hawks are birds of the forest; this immature sharp-shin was on State Game Land 252.” Credit: Charlie Schwarz | Photo: Charlie Schwarz
August 2017 Photo: Jen Danly
Woodstock, VT. Painted turtle. Credit: Jen Danly | Photo: Jen Danly
August 2017 Photo: Ann Wade
Washington , VT. Cedar waxwing. Credit: Ann Wade | Photo: Ann Wade
August 2017 Photo: Ed Baum
Errol, NH. “A moose wonders what the humans find so interesting.” Credit: Ed Baum | Photo: Ed Baum
August 2017 Photo: Tig Tillinghast
Thetford Center, VT. Plume moth. Credit: Tig Tillinghast | Photo: Tig Tillinghast
August 2017 Photo: Tig Tillinghast
Squam Lake, NH. Common loon. Credit: Tig Tillinghast | Photo: Tig Tillinghast
August 2017 Photo: Tig Tillinghast
Thetford Center, VT. Red-banded leafhopper. Credit: Tig Tillinghast | Photo: Tig Tillinghast
August 2017 Photo: Tig Tillinghast
Norwich, VT. “Juvenile little blue heron (uncommon up here) in a heavy downpour.” Credit: Tig Tillinghast | Photo: Tig Tillinghast
August 2017 Photo: John Gorman
Putney, VT. A bobcat captured with a wildlife camera. Credit: John Gorman | Photo: John Gorman

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

By checking the box above, you are agreeing to our Reader Photo Gallery Terms and Conditions.