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January 2017

Many of your January photos were deer related, including an image of a cached deer carcass – probably a bobcat’s leftovers. A red fox posed for a game camera in Hermon, Maine, and muskrats lined up on the ice in Canaan, New York. Meanwhile, in Halifax, Vermont, a timber harvest was underway.

We’re now on the hunt for February 2017 photos. We encourage you to share images about anything that relates to the Northeast’s forests, and that you take this month. Here are examples – but by no means an exclusive list – of photo topics that fit this category: nature, weather, education activities (any age), forest management/logging, recreation, wood manufacture, art, workshops, events. As long as it relates in some way to the Northeast’s forests, we’ll consider it.

January 2017 Photo: Lonnie S. Jandreaua
Ashland, ME. Eight ears are better than two. Credit: Lonnie S. Jandreaua | Photo: Lonnie S. Jandreaua
January 2017 Photo: Samantha Wolf
Rushville, NY. “Frozen feathers.” Credit: Samantha Wolf | Photo: Samantha Wolf
January 2017 Photo: Michael Brault
Burlington, VT. A Virginia opossum explores a backyard. Opossums have moved north over the past decades, and often make their living near human residences. Credit: Michael Brault | Photo: Michael Brault
January 2017 Photo: Patricia Liddle
Canaan, NY. “Muskrats seem to have installed a solar panel for the lodge.” Credit: Patricia Liddle | Photo: Patricia Liddle
January 2017 Photo: Alex Barrett
Saxtons River, VT. “A white pine seed-tree harvest in the fine January light.” Credit: Alex Barrett | Photo: Alex Barrett
January 2017 Photo: Laurie Dirkx
Ontario, NY. A red-tailed hawk in flight. Credit: Laurie Dirkx | Photo: Laurie Dirkx
January 2017 Photo: Linda Reed
Constantia, NY. “Spruce tree, looking up.” Credit: Linda Reed | Photo: Linda Reed
January 2017 Photo: Susan E. Lichty
Lempster, NH. A hole into a burrow. Credit: Susan E. Lichty | Photo: Susan E. Lichty
January 2017 Photo: Ellen Valley
Barton, VT. (This was taken in December, but we couldn’t resist including it.) A birdfeeder becomes a deerfeeder. Credit: Ellen Valley | Photo: Ellen Valley
January 2017 Photo: Dan Grey
Fair Haven, VT. “Winter beauty.” Credit: Dan Grey | Photo: Dan Grey
January 2017 Photo: Audrey Barker Plotkin
Amherst, MA. “January 19, about 24 hours after snowfall, found deer cached in leaf pile that had been scraped over the carcass. My wildlife biologist friends think bobcat is most likely the agent here.” Credit: Audrey Barker Plotkin | Photo: Audrey Barker Plotkin
January 2017 Photo: Tig Tillinghast
Thetford, VT. Barred owl. Credit: Tig Tillinghast | Photo: Tig Tillinghast
January 2017 Photo: Richard Carbonetti
Albany, VT. “Shelf fungus in the snow.” Credit: Richard Carbonetti | Photo: Richard Carbonetti
January 2017 Photo: Helene Grogan
Buckland, MA. “Coyote casually strolling across our frozen pond.” Credit: Helene Grogan | Photo: Helene Grogan
January 2017 Photo: Colleen Kube
East Wallingford, VT. “Full moon rising…” Credit: Colleen Kube | Photo: Colleen Kube
January 2017 Photo: Ed Baum
First of two: Hermon, ME. “A red fox eyes the snowmobile trail before crossing.” Credit: Ed Baum | Photo: Ed Baum
January 2017 Photo: Ed Baum
Continued: A red fox on the prowl early the next morning in the same area. Same fox, or a different one? Credit: Ed Baum | Photo: Ed Baum
January 2017 Photo: Samantha Wolf
Rushville, NY. “Seed pod in the middle of the field.” Credit: Samantha Wolf | Photo: Samantha Wolf
January 2017 Photo: Nate Rosebrooks
Willington, CT. Ice on the Fenton River, on New Year’s Eve. Credit: Nate Rosebrooks | Photo: Nate Rosebrooks
January 2017 Photo: Tig Tillinghast
Thetford, VT. A turkey foraging in the snow. Credit: Tig Tillinghast | Photo: Tig Tillinghast
January 2017 Photo: Barbara Mackay
Derby, VT. “Sharing a ski trail with the deer, or is it the other way around?” Credit: Barbara Mackay | Photo: Barbara Mackay
January 2017 Photo: Mimi Kulp
Berlin, VT. Along the Dog River, the photographer found this would-be beaver-felled tree hung up in branches, “and destined to remain there.” Credit: Mimi Kulp | Photo: Mimi Kulp
January 2017 Photo: Elle
Ashland, NH. “Yellow sunrise reveals many night visitors.” Credit: Elle | Photo: Elle
January 2017 Photo: David Ellis
Washington, MA. “Perfectly grafted beech branch.” Credit: David Ellis | Photo: David Ellis
January 2017 Photo: Stephen Soszynski
Guilford, VT. Cedar waxwing in a snowstorm. Credit: Stephen Soszynski | Photo: Stephen Soszynski
January 2017 Photo: Marian Feldman
Shelburne, VT. “Icy maple.” Credit: Marian Feldman | Photo: Marian Feldman
January 2017 Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
Danville, PA. Finally, photographic proof of flying deer. This photo was taken by a trail camera early in 2017, while Rudolph was enjoying a well-deserved vacation in Pennsylvania. Credit: Bonnie Honaberger | Photo: Bonnie Honaberger
January 2017 Photo: Diana Todd
Halifax, VT. “Our timber harvest is well underway.” Credit: Diana Todd | Photo: Diana Todd
January 2017 Photo: Barbara Mackay
Saratoga, NY. “Sleet and freezing rain pelt every inch of the landscape, creating elegant arrangements for the eye, soft tinkling for the ear, and dicey footing for photographers who just have to capture it up close.” Credit: Barbara Mackay | Photo: Barbara Mackay
January 2017 Photo: Patricia Liddle
Canaan, NY. Muskrats on ice, “chowing down.” Credit: Patricia Liddle | Photo: Patricia Liddle

Submit Your Photographs

We are looking for images taken in the past month. We will select approx. 60 images to feature in each gallery. Considerations include: variety of topics, quality of image, resolution (size), and geographic diversity. Special consideration is also given to first-time photographer submissions.

Three photo submissions per person, please. We regret that we cannot publish all submissions!

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions below, which provide Northern Woodlands a perpetual license to use your photographs. If your photo isn’t selected for our gallery but we wish to use it for another purpose, we will contact you.

If you have trouble submitting your images (such as an error message saying your photo is too large) please email your picture and caption to: Nancy (at) with the email subject line: Reader Photo Submission. Important: Please confirm in your email that you agree to our terms and conditions outlined below.

By checking the box above, you are agreeing to our Reader Photo Gallery Terms and Conditions.