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Decorative woodsy background

What in the Woods is That?

Game Cam Grabber

Ear’s this week’s question: What’s lurking just below the view of this game camera?

Mystifying Misfortune

What happened to this maple tree?

Late July Fuzz

We took these photos recently of a tree in full flower, in mid-July, in Vermont. Do you know what kind of tree it is?


What’s on these leaves?

Name Those Firs

Because different species and varieties of trees break bud at different times, there’s a big variance in the amount of new growth this time of year at Christmas tree farms. Using the new…

Shrouded in Green

What is hiding beneath the leaves?

Lawn Flower Mystery

It’s the beginning of another mowing season, and green is only one of many colors found on most rural lawns. While yellow dandelions are seemingly everywhere, these small white and purple…

Vernal Pool Puzzlement

Found in a vernal pool in late April. What is it?

Spring Stumper

Great early spring bird food…what are they?

Curious Tenants

This polypore shelf fungus was found on a large aspen tree in Vermont. But what’s that living inside?

Dubious Discovery

This substance was recently discovered beneath a hemlock that displayed multiple holes and oozing sap. What is it?

Classic Conundrum

Back to the basics for this one: what in the woods is this?

Baffling Beavers

We’re flipping the script a little this time. If you’ve ever spent time in a beaver flowage, you’ve probably seen unexplained (maybe unexplainable) beaver chewing like this. For some…

Perplexing Protrusion

What’s protruding from this birch?

Tree Oddity

It looks a bit like a golf ball that’s been run over, but what really caused this growth?

A Puzzling Project

Ken Kinder took this photo in late fall in northern Vermont. What was the purpose of the project?

Mysterious Tag Along

Who hasn’t come back from a walk outdoors looking like this? But do you know the name of the plant these burrs came from?

Cherry Tree Mystery

Penelope Harris forwarded these photos of a friend’s cherry tree in Bakersfield, Vermont. She was curious: what had caused the gelatinous material seen on the tree?

A Case of Curious Curling

We heard from someone who just brought home a balsam fir Christmas tree and noticed a few places where the needles had curled and twisted. The same distortion is seen in this photo from UMass…

No Place Like Home

What bird made this distinctive nest?