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Knots and Bolts

Maine Leads the Way in Certified Acreage

In July 2003, Maine’s Governor John Baldacci set a very ambitious goal for the owners of Maine’s forestland. By 2007, he wants to see 10 million acres of Maine forestland…

New Hampshire Project Learning Tree Celebrates Its 25th

In October 2004, New Hampshire Project Learning Tree (NHPLT) celebrated its 25th anniversary. There are PLT programs at work training educators in every state in the union. So far, more than a…

Funds Available for Wildlife Habitat Improvement

Want to improve wildlife habitat on your land? Want help paying for those improvements? Then check out the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP), a cost-share program of the Natural…

Northern Woodlands Receives Award for Bridge Building

At its annual meeting in November, the New England Wildflower Society presented its 2004 Taylor Education Award to Northern Woodlands magazine. In making this presentation at the…

More Harm than Good

Are you tempted by the advertisements that promote the availability of so-called “deer feed” at the store? Don’t be, wildlife biologists say: feeding wild white-tailed deer may harm the…

Center Receives First Gift of Land

The Center for Woodlands Education has received its first-ever gift of land. In August, the family of Edward and Lilian Oresky donated to the Center a 103-acre woodland in East Burke, Vermont.…

Timber Workshop

Selling Timber from Your Woodlands is the subject of a workshop that will be offered in January over Vermont Interactive Television. The workshop will be presented in three two-hour segments,…

Leaping Specks Confound Scientists

The National Enquirer could get some mileage out of snow fleas, if only it were entomologically inclined - and had a microscope. Not only are these minute creatures not fleas, they may not…

Wood to Gas to Power

To the uninitiated, a process that heats biomass - wood chips, grass clippings, food wastes and the like - with hot sand to create a gas, which is then burned to power a turbine, which then…

O Tannenbaum

This Christmas, the national tree which brightens the west lawn of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., will be a 60-foot tall Vermont balsam fir. The perfectly formed fir has been…

Catamount Questions Continue

On the morning of April 2, Mark Walker saw three panthers walking single file on the snow near Lake Eligo in Craftsbury. Later, when scat collected from their trail was verified to contain…

Making Maples

Seed crops for many tree species were notably high this year, with sugar maple and red maple being particularly prodigious. This past spring saw a landscape dotted with the yellowish maple…

Smart Wood: A Program of the Rainforest Alliance

Does it seem far-fetched to think that a 2 X 4 with a stamp saying that it came from a well-managed forest could command a better price than one without? If so, get ready, for just as…

From Consensus to Controversy

National Forest land in New England has not been the scene of the pitched battles over timber sales which are commonplace in the west. When the Green Mountain National Forest adopted its…

Current Use to be Funded at 59%

Current use is the generic term for taxation of land based on its forestry value rather than fair market value. States across New England have current use programs, and in Vermont it is…

Growing Hardy Walnuts

Of all the trees that grow in the northeast, the black walnut is the most highly-prized by cabinetmakers. The trees are scarce enough that a woodworker's quest for good walnut takes on…

Out of the Wood and Into the Ring

Day in and day out, most loggers work alone in the woods with no chance to show off their skills. That's one reason why so many of them make it to the Vermont Forestry Expo, the big annual…

Martens in the Mountains

Have you seen any martens? Kimberly Royar would like to know. Royar, a wildlife biologist who works out of the Fish and Wildlife Department office in Springfield, would be interested in…

Northern Forest Lands Council Wraps It Up

The draft recommendations of the Northern Forest Lands Council released in March were regional in scope, covering 26 million acres in four states. Implementation will be on a state-by-state…

RABIES: A Spreading Scourge

Officials from Fish and Wildlife departments have been preaching for years that wild animal lovers shouldn't adopt orphaned animals, but until recently it's been the animals they were…