Winter 2005
Table of Contents
- 02
- From the Center Charles A. Levesque
- 04
- Calendar
- 05
- Editorial Stephen Long
- 09
- Community Water Hugo Leipmann
- 10
- Letters to the Editors
- 13
- Form Follows Function Susan C. Morse
- 14
- Knots and Bolts
- Downright Downeast Chuck Wooster
- Family Forest Owners Hold the Cards Anne Margolis
- Taking Winter with a Grain of Salt Virginia Barlow
- Whittling Down the Fuel Bill Chuck Wooster
- Taking Winter with a Grain of Salt Virginia Barlow
- Whittling Down the Fuel Bill Chuck Wooster
- Family Forest Owners Hold the Cards Anne Margolis
- Downright Downeast Chuck Wooster
- 19
- Do We Have To Choose Between Tapping Maples For Sugaring Or Growing Them For Timber? Michael Snyder
- 22
- Wolves as Neighbors: A Lesson from Transylvania Alan Sparks
- 30
- A Forester’s Pursuit of Excellence Irwin Post
- 36
- At Work Logging with Ed and Robert Berry Jami Badershall
- 38
- Winter Hunt Charles Fergus
- 41
- Tinder Polypore, Fomes fomentarius Virginia Barlow
- 42
- The Curious Blue Jay Andrew Thompson
- “Bird-Brained” No Insult to Winter Residents Anne Margolis
- 46
- Discoveries
- Remedy for Winter Blues and Arthritis, Too Anne Margolis
- Sink or Source? Anne Margolis
- “Bird-Brained” No Insult to Winter Residents Anne Margolis
- Sink or Source? Anne Margolis
- Remedy for Winter Blues and Arthritis, Too Anne Margolis
- 49
- Mill Prices Northern Woodlands
- 50
- Candid Cameras Focus on Wildlife Donald Wharton
- 54
- WoodLit
- 59
- First Hunt Stephen Long
- 61
- Gray birch, Betula populifolia Virginia Barlow
- 67
- Hinge Hints Joseph Smith
- 72
- Thank You to Contributors
- 75
- Outdoor Palette
- 76
- A Place In Mind Pavel Cenkl