Selling Timber from Your Woodlands is the subject of a workshop that will be offered in January over Vermont Interactive Television. The workshop will be presented in three two-hour segments, the first of which is scheduled for January 11,1995, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. There are 12 locations around the state where individuals can participate in the program.
The principal presenter will be Thom McEvoy, Extension Forester in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. According to Thom, the first session will cover timber sale planning and how to work with foresters and loggers. The second session on January 18 will cover the subject of timber sale contracts, and the third session will be on reporting income and expenses for the timber sale at tax time.
There is a charge of $10.00 per session that is payable in advance. To register, send a check made payable to "UVM" to: Selling Timber Workshop, Aiken Center, UVM, Burlington, VT 05405. Registrations will be confirmed with directions to the nearest site where the program can be viewed. Participants are encouraged to ask questions during the workshop. For more information contact Thom McEvoy at (802) 656-2913.