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Knots and Bolts

Black Birch Tea: A Delicate Winter Brew

Black birch tea was one of the first wild foods I ever tried. Some high school friends boiled pots of birch twigs to make what they called “brew” while telling jokes and stories…

Last Man Standing

You could easily breeze past the nondescript Maine Wood Concepts mill in the tiny town of New Vineyard without realizing it’s there. Inside, however, it’s very much alive, with…

This Bud’s (not) For You

There’s probably no better example of a love/hate relationship than the one between the forest landowner and her deer. (At least from a human perspective – deer seem to regard us…

Forest Management 101

The roar of a chainsaw breaks the stillness of the cold winter morning. I wade through knee-deep snow to retrieve a newly fallen balsam fir. With sappy gloves, I drag the fir pole to a fresh…

To Quarantine or Not to Quarantine

Ever since the emerald ash borer (EAB) was discovered in Michigan in 2002, many have speculated about its potential effects on forests in the Northeast. With the confirmation of infestations…

Untold Abundance: The Autumn Olive

Wild plants do not surrender their treasures as easily as their cultivated cousins. Wild berries tend to be small, seedy, and scattered widely across the landscape. Anyone who has spent an…

Deaf in the Woods

Do you remember your answer to that youthful question: if you had to be one or the other, would you rather be deaf or blind? Most of us believed we’d never have to be either, though my…

Take a Bike! And Feel the Flow

While the difference between a deer trail and a hiking trail may be obvious, what makes a trail good for feet is not always what makes a trail great for tires. Whereas hikers (and deer) tend…

Swamp Gold: Edible Cattail Pollen

It can be difficult for beginning foragers to make the leap beyond the most familiar wild foods. For those who want to expand their repertoires beyond ramps, fiddleheads, and blueberries, I…

Vermonters and Forests: A Symbiotic Relationship

Editor’s note: Last winter, the Vermont Woodlands Association partnered with the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and Northern Woodlands to sponsor an essay contest…

More Than a Snapshot: Preserving Historic Film

When David Weiss obtains a canister of old movie film, he gives it the sniff test. “I pry off the lid, sniff it, and if it doesn’t knock me over with the smell of vinegar,…

Something Sweet in New York

Postal workers have postal routes; milk truck drivers have milk routes. But a maple route? Last spring, The Wild Center, a nonprofit environmental education organization and natural history…

Sugarhouse Registration

Rumors have been swirling in sugarmaking circles about government registration of sugarhouses in all the states where maple syrup is produced. We asked Matthew Gordon, the new executive…

Negotiating A Sugarbush Lease

One could be forgiven for thinking the U.S. maple industry is in decline, considering the poor sugaring season in 2012 and fears about climate change, but the reality on the ground is that…

Creating Carbon Credit

Well-managed forestland provides a host of benefits to society, from flood mitigation to wildlife habitat to carbon sequestration, and there’s long been talk about finding ways to…

The Ranger School Celebrates 100

For many, fond memories of college might include football games, Homecoming, and perhaps a keg party or three. For the alumni of The Ranger School, nostalgic reveries conjure images of hard…

Repairing Culverts in a Post-Irene World

All too often, discussions about culverts center around two different objectives. There’s the practical side: designing and sizing a structure that will protect roads. And then…

At Home on the (Tree) Farm

Some might call it a plantation, and some a tree farm, but my family refers to it simply as “the farm.” To the outside observer, our marginal patch of land may appear…

The Forecast Calls for Change

At the Mohonk Mountain Preserve in New York’s Shawangunk Mountains, naturalists have been collecting data on weather, spring migrants, plant life, and seasonal milestones for almost 90…

Return of the Chestnut

In his New York Times best-seller A Walk in the Woods, author Bill Bryson mourns the loss of the “massively graceful” American chestnut: “There has never been any tree like…