Summer 2009
Table of Contents
- 02
From the Center
Stephen Long - 04
Virginia Barlow - 05
The Long View
Stephen Long - 09
Providing Heat is the Most Efficient Use of Biomass
Charlie Niebling - 11
- Letter to the Editors
- 16
- Knots and Bolts
- 21
How Do I Choose Which Trees to Cut?
Michael Snyder - 23
Nesting Time
Brian Pfeiffer - 24
The Buzz on Pollination
Leif Richardson - 29
Butternut, Juglans cinerea
Virginia Barlow - 30
Wind, Fire, Ice, and Insects: Can Natural Disturbances Be a Management Tool for Foresters?
Robert Bryan - 36
At Work Making Pack Baskets with Bill Mackowski
Tom Seymour - 38
Afloat in the Woods: Blazing the Northern Forest Canoe Trail
Dirk Van Susteren - 42
Forestry at the Fair
Carolyn Haley - 45
Feet Make Tracks
Susan C. Morse - 46
Avoiding Rash Decisions: A Guide to Plants You Shouldn’t Touch
Dave Mance III - 51
Blue Stain, Also Called Sap Stain
Virginia Barlow - 52
- Discoveries
- 61
Essential Equipment for Staying Safe
Carl Demrow - 64
- WoodLit
- 67
Mill Prices
Northern Woodlands