This week in the woods, we had good initial sugaring days, with some daytime temperatures reaching the 50s, and even saw swelling buds on a red elderberry in Fairlee, Vermont. This forest…
This Week in the Woods
This Week in the Woods shares seasonal images from the woods, wetlands and fields of the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont. What are you seeing this week in the woods? Submit a special photo for possible inclusion in our monthly Reader Photo Gallery. Sign up for our enewsletter to receive our latest content directly in your inbox.
March: Week One
This week in the woods, we encountered a cup lichen in the genus Cladonia, which includes reindeer moss and British soldiers as well as difficult-to-determine species like this one, with…
February: Week Four
This week in the woods, we took a look at some zig-zagging weasel tracks after watching the culprit periscope its way out of deep snow, eyeball us, and scamper away. In these grainy smartphone…
February: Week Three
This week in the woods, a ruffed grouse burst from its snow roost and startled a snowshoer, who had been inspecting the entry signs a few feet away. The bird left these wing impressions and a…
February: Week Two
This week in the woods, we spied an immature bald eagle picking at a deer carcass on a frozen roadside pond. The United States’ newly designated national bird doesn’t always have…
February: Week One
This week in the woods, we observed a large flock of American robins feeding in a crabapple tree – and perhaps getting drunk. Because sugars in fruit can ferment over the course of the…
January: Week Four
This week in the woods, despite the frigidity, we found this snowfly marching and tumbling across the snow on Black Mountain in Benton, New Hampshire. These members of the wingless cranefly…
January: Week Three
This week in the woods, we observed indications of black knot, the fungal disease caused by Apiosporina morbosa or Dibotryon morbosum and only infecting species in the genus Prunus. It shows…
January: Week Two
This week in the woods, we found the tiny, stalked fruiting bodies (or apothecia) of pink earth lichen. This colorful lichen prefers disturbed areas and the full sun of settings such as…
December: Week Three
This week in the woods, we’ve observed a number of resident birds, as well as a loon that we hope has moved on to open coastal waters. Northern cardinals were uncommon in the Upper…
December: Week Two
This week in the woods, the past year’s fruit and this coming year’s catkins persist on speckled alders, making these diminutive trees stand out. All alder species share the woody,…
December: Week One
This Week in the Woods, we came across a pileated woodpecker excavation, with large vertical, rectangular holes typical for this species. The blond wood and layering of woodchips over this…
November: Week Four
This week in the woods, an eastern chipmunk paused with an acorn and retreated into its winter burrow beneath some tree roots in Fairlee, Vermont. This foraging trip was likely among the…
November: Week Three
This week in the woods, we can take a closer look at some vacated nests, now more visible among the bare branches and withered greenery. We found this red-eyed vireo nest in Lyme, New…
November: Week Two
This week in the woods, we start with where we can find some lingering green. When many other species’ leaves have browned or fallen away, striped wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata)…
November: Week One
This week in the woods, the landscape shows its skeleton, and we can see the true ridgeline beneath the now-leafless hardwoods. Also more apparent during the beginning of this bare month are…
October: Week Five
This week in the woods, a white pine snag with much of its bole rotted away displayed some of its branch rings in three dimensions. In lumber, we would see these conical features in cross…
October: Week Four
This week in the woods, river otter families may be moving to new areas to hunt. Every year at this time, we find at least one family of otters (mother and this year’s young) in the same…
October: Week Three
This week in the woods, we stumbled upon several yellow birch logs completely engulfed in the fruiting bodies of turkey tail (Trametes versicolor) a polypore fungus that commonly grows on the…
October: Week Two
This week in the woods, Editor Meghan McCarthy McPhaul encountered this garter snake making its way across a field, perhaps on its way to winter lodging. The snakes typically move into…