Winter 2009
Table of Contents
- 02
- From the Center Stephen Long
- 04
- Calendar Virginia Barlow
- 05
- The Long View Stephen Long
- 09
- What Do Women Want? Annette Lorraine
- 10
- Letters to the Editors
- 15
- Do Tree Stems Freeze in Winter? Michael Snyder
- If Winter Comes, Can Springtails Be Far Behind? Alan Pistorius
- 16
- Knots and Bolts
- Four Centuries of Slow Growth Northern Woodlands
- 23
- Scotch pine, Pinus sylvestris Virginia Barlow
- 24
- Which Bird Made That Nest? Bernd Heinrich
- 30
- Anatomy of an Ice-damaged Sugar Maple Patrick Bartlett
- 34
- The Wood Chemical Industry in the Northeast: An Old Industry with New Possibilities Hugh O. Canham
- 42
- At Work Guiding in the Adirondacks with Lynn Malerba Judith E. Harper
- 45
- Winter’s Visitors Bryan Pfeiffer
- 46
- Balsam, Bunches, and Bows: How to Make a Wreath Amanda Kuhnert
- 51
- Tapping Trees Carl Demrow
- Digging for Worms Todd McLeish
- 52
- Discoveries
- Predicting Fishless Lakes Todd McLeish
- Where the Cellulose Meets the Road Todd McLeish
- Digging for Worms Todd McLeish
- 57
- Sapstreak Disease Virginia Barlow
- 64
- Wood Lit
- Notes on a Lost Flute: A Field Guide to the Wabanaki Hannah Merker
- Shop Class as Soulcraft, An Inquiry Into the Value of Work Doug Stowe
- Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods (With a Few Desert and Mountain Beasts) Benjamin Peberdy
- 67
- Mill Prices Northern Woodlands