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The Bobolink: Emily Dickinson’s Rowdy of the Meadow

Some keep the Sabbath going to Church – I keep it, staying at Home – With a Bobolink for a Chorister – And an Orchard, for a Dome – Emily Dickinson A bobolink circled…

Albany Pine Bush: Gift of the Glaciers

It’s just after sundown in the deep, evergreen forest of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve outside Albany, New York, a time when rarely seen creatures emerge from the shadows. Somewhere in…

Graphic Natural History: The Stench of the Hunt

Carrion is a great place to find insects, especially beetles and flies. Specific insects are attracted to dead animals as they decompose, with a predictable progression of visitors each…

Bike Trails Building Community

A Cross-Border Collaboration Shows the Power of Mountain Biking to Make Small Towns More Resilient In 2005, Taylor Caswell got a call from a logger he had hired to work on the family’s…

Seeing the Forest for the Bees

There’s been considerable focus in recent years on enhancing bee habitat through meadow restoration and gardening with pollinator-friendly plants. But forests are also important to many…

Stone Records in a Rewilding Landscape

In the late 1990s, when my wife and I moved to New England from the sparse desert and jagged peaks of the Southwest, it took some time to adjust to the dense, green landscape of northern…

Glimmers of Hope: Research to Tame Emerald Ash Borer, and a Potential Last Stand for Northeastern Ash

Since 2002, when the first emerald ash borers (EAB) were identified in Michigan and Ontario, the glistening green beetles have spread rapidly, enjoying a mostly uncontested feast. The numbers…

Preserving the Cape Cod Pine Barrens with Fire

Last year was a record-setting fire season out West, and national news stories about forests and fire were often tragic. However, Caren Caljouw, the prescribed fire program manager for the…

Widening the Circle: How Three Summer Camps Are Introducing More Children to the Outdoors

It’s a hot, humid August morning in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, the kind that usually yields thunder and lightning by day’s end. But at nearby Buck Lake – just 700 feet higher in…

White Hares in a Brown Forest

Years ago, I spent considerable time investigating factors that affected the distribution and abundance of snowshoe hares. That investigation was part of a larger project examining what…