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Preserving the Cape Cod Pine Barrens with Fire

Last year was a record-setting fire season out West, and national news stories about forests and fire were often tragic. However, Caren Caljouw, the prescribed fire program manager for the…

Widening the Circle: How Three Summer Camps Are Introducing More Children to the Outdoors

It’s a hot, humid August morning in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, the kind that usually yields thunder and lightning by day’s end. But at nearby Buck Lake – just 700 feet higher in…

White Hares in a Brown Forest

Years ago, I spent considerable time investigating factors that affected the distribution and abundance of snowshoe hares. That investigation was part of a larger project examining what…

The Catamount Trail: Connecting Communities Through Snow

The mystique of the Catamount Trail (CT) lured me to Vermont in the 1980s. I was living in Boston and had heard of the new 300-mile trail that traveled the length of the Green Mountains, from…

Lessons Gleaned from the Forest

It’s an unseasonably warm February morning in the northern Adirondacks. Just two weeks prior, temperatures had been in minus territory. Today, however, is a balmy 40 degrees, and the…

Stream Crossings Reimagined

Miles and miles of streams flow through northeastern forests, serving as habitat for fish, freshwater mussels, invertebrates, and other aquatic organisms. These waterways feed our rivers,…

A Logger’s View from a Shelterwood Harvest

An Interview with Lee Russell At a timber harvest site managed by Katahdin Forest Management along the Golden Road in Millinocket, Maine, photographer Ashley L. Conti caught up with logger and…

Will the Ruby-throated Hummingbird Move North?

The ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) is a favorite among birdwatchers in backyards and gardens, where these tiny, brightly colored birds whir from flower to flower and visit…

Old Mother West Wind, Laughing Brook, and the Stories that Inspired Generations

Murph and I had ducked into the woods in Phippsburg around 9:30 a.m., hoping to escape the July heat. No spring chickens, we ambled more than we hiked and only covered a few miles before…

Sowing the Seeds of Hope

“We’re creating a model that can be replicated in other ecoregions. We must preserve these arks of biodiversity. Seed sovereignty is a tool of resilience in the face of climate…
