Spring 2012
Table of Contents
- 02
- From the Center Walter M. Medwid
- 04
- Calendar
- 05
- Editor’s Note Dave Mance III
- 09
- At Work and at Play in the Northeastern Forest Reid Bryant
- 11
- Letters to the Editors
- 13
- How Can I Tell if My Woods are Old Growth? Michael Snyder
- 15
- Tracking Tips: Looking for Lynx Susan C. Morse
- 16
- Knots and Bolts
- 23
- 1,000 Words Frank Kaczmarek
- 25
- Dirt and Blossom Sydney Lea
- 28
- How to Help Your Best Trees Grow Stephen Long
- 32
- The Overstory Virginia Barlow
- 34
- Clouds: More Than Meets the Sky Chris Bouchard
- 35
- Quiz: Open Your Eyes to the Sky Northern Woodlands
- 41
- Ghost Moose: Winter Ticks Take Their Toll Susan C. Morse
- 44
- At Work Milling Ship Masts with “Duke” Besozzi Carolyn Haley
- 46
- The Great Glyphosate Debate Dave Mance III
- 53
- The Forecast Calls for Birds Bryan Pfeiffer
- 54
- Discoveries
- 57
- Make Your Own Vacuum Booster Carl Demrow
- 63
- Upcountry Robert Kimber
- 64
- WoodLit
- 67
- Mill Prices
- 71
- Outdoor Palette Adelaide Tyrol
- 72
- A Place in Mind Allaire Diamond