As you read this, presses are rolling on our newest publication, More Than a Woodlot: Getting the Most from Your Family Forest. The book is written by Northern Woodlands founder and former publisher Stephen Long, with contributions from several other authors familiar to our readers. In More Than a Woodlot, Steve explains how to work with a forest ecosystem rather than against it, to produce firewood, sawlogs, and veneer. Better habitat for songbirds and other wildlife species is among the welcome side effects of the kinds of management he describes. We’ve included an excerpt of Steve’s book on page 28 to give you a taste of what this guide has to offer.
We’re so pleased to see this book join the Northern Woodlands family of publications, as it captures the essence of the forest stewardship message that we’ve been writing about for the past 17 years. In light of the continuing spread of anti-logging sentiment in certain quarters of the Northeast, it’s hard to imagine a better time to get the message out there that forest health and active management are not antithetical goals.
This new book will help readers, especially those new to landownership, understand the ecology and the economics of their woodlots, and will serve as an introduction to Northern Woodlands’ other educational resources. My hope is that the folks in the post office downstairs will be wondering what all the fuss is about when they hear the hubbub caused by the first wave of book orders coming into our office. Of course, sales from the book will support Northern Woodlands.
Speaking of support, I’d like to also bring your attention to the ad on the inside cover of this issue. We’ve partnered with George Ainley of Fine Windsor Chairs of Perkinsville, Vermont, to raffle one of his classic chairs, with proceeds benefiting Northern Woodlands operations. All non-profits need to generate revenue, and we like the idea of supporting local craftsmen who use local wood at the same time.
Wouldn’t an heirloom Windsor chair by George Ainley go perfectly in that corner, right next to the window?