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Fox News

Brick Moltz, the education director at The Fells Historic Estate on Lake Sunapee in New Hampshire, shared this wonderful series of images of a fox settling down in front of a game camera with…

Late Summer in Mid-March

We’ve been running this game camera feature on our website since 2015, so as you can imagine we’ve collected thousands of pictures. The catch is that 99 percent of them are…

Tale of the Midnight Bunny

Eastern cottontail rabbits are frequently described as crepuscular, meaning active at dawn and dusk. The Virtual Nature Trail at Penn State New Kensington, an online site documenting various…

Living on the Edge

Many wild animals have a fondness for edge habitat, but foxes especially so. It could be the edge of a meadow, or a lake, or the transition where one forest type meets another. These areas…

Playing Possum

When I was about age 10, Mrs. Garvey assigned an essay to read on opossums. Never mind that we lived 3,000 miles from the nearest actual opossum; I was 10 and one did not question the logic of…

Perhaps the Best Game Camera Shot Ever Taken

This picture of an amazingly ambitious golden eagle was taken in West Virginia and submitted by Brian Kain to biologist Kevin Oxenrider, who then submitted it to Todd Katzner, who works for…

Whitetail Behavior and Physiology

Like a lot of hunters, I keep tabs on the deer around our camp with trail cameras that are left up year-round. This particular four-day window presents a couple of nice, teachable moments…

Camera-Strap-Wrestling Coyotes

For years, as a committed insect ecologist, I resisted student requests to work on mammals. My objections included bite risk, rabies shots, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee forms…

A Summer’s Worth of Shots

The fisher darted through the trees from one overgrown field to another. The narrowest sliver of moon had set: a perfect night for hunting. Three hours later, just before midnight, it bounded…

Welcome to Phoebeville

This is more of an iPhone camera tale. I do have a game camera – a Moultrie M-550 – and I use it in somewhat clumsy attempts to glean information about which animals move through…