Now is prime woodcock courtship season – the males are performing their evening aerial displays above fields, town baseball diamonds, and other open spaces. They’re fun birds to…
Spring Springing
Phenology – the study of when things happen in a particular season – is endlessly interesting, but especially so after a long winter, when we’re starved for change. We know…
Cold Case
Recently, we discovered this barred owl near the Northern Woodlands office – dead, frozen, and wedged in a tree cavity roughly four feet from the ground. The head was pulled back into…
Barn Cats
Like a lot of rural kids, my introduction to furbearing animals came through trapping. It’s not an easy endeavor ever – especially when you’re 12 – so the powers of the…
A Bird in Hand
In the winter issue (arriving in mailboxes any day now), there’s a supernatural tale about a fateful encounter between a logging camp villain and a gorby – one of the many names…
Just a Downed Tree
Many of our setups in this Game Cam Blog series have involved edge habitat – that is, the edge of field and forest, or land and water, or the boundary between two forest types. Such…
Nighthawks on the Move
Recently, common nighthawks have been passing through the Connecticut River Valley. These early migrators are, unfortunately, endangered across much of our region, and now is the only time in…
Story of the Shot
Editor’s Note: Our game cams went cold this month, so we solicited content from an honest-to-God photographer. One of the challenges of wildlife photography is how to depict animals that…
Jade Jarvis and Alyssa Valentyn were maintaining their research trail cameras at Saint Michael’s College when they noticed a brown smudge obscuring the lens of Camera 4. Alyssa used the…
He’s Even Been in the Onion Patch
At this organization we will not tolerate a bad word said about the legendary flatpicker Doc Watson. The man was an icon. And yet it can be said – uncomfortably and with downcast eyes,…