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Two Species or One?

During morel season the south end of the kitchen counter gets commandeered: there’s a maple cutting board, brush, paring knife, bowl for trim, and the day’s take of mushrooms piled…


We’re a generally rooted species – at least our contingent; the ones for whom place might be analogized to a limb that the body would not function properly without. It’s easy…

Use It or Lose It

I spent every afternoon with my infant daughter last May – it was both an act of love and a reflection of the childcare juggling act that parents do these days. She wasn’t a great…

Dispatch from the Sugarwoods, 2018 - Part 5

So it never came back for us. It’s been perfect sap weather here for the last few weeks, but there’s been no sap coming out of our lines. The sap’s running – I’ve…

Dispatch from the Sugarwoods, 2018 - Part 4

So the cumulative effect of the four March Nor’easters hit this area hard. Ten miles away from our Hall bush and 800 feet up in elevation, one weather-watcher documented 81 inches of…

Dispatch from the Sugarwoods, 2018 - Part 3

I ended my last update with an examination of the abnormally warm February weather we had, and what it meant for production. It subsequently got cold and snowy – the picture here shows…

Dispatch from the Sugarwoods, 2018 - Part 2

Soon we’ll talk shop. But first, a typical early-season evening. It’s February 19, late afternoon, and I’m in the Hall bush, so named for the family who owns the land and…

Dispatch from the Sugarwoods, 2018 - Part 1

In the old days, when most people were farmers, the deep cold months were spent working wood. Maybe you logged the back 40 for income, maybe you just put up 50 cords to burn in your drafty,…

Freezing Time

The anchors on the early morning television news were discussing Groundhog Day this morning; the weatherman suggesting that the groundhog might see his shadow, the peppy young anchors cheering…

A Professor and a Practitioner

Irwin Post, a longtime contributor and friend of the magazine, passed away last Sunday. Professionally speaking he held a lot of titles: forest engineer, consulting forester, logger, sawyer,…