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Puffball Season

This autumn seems an especially good one for mushrooms. Our September Reader Photo Gallery includes a number of fungi photos, and a one mile walk in my family woodlot this past Sunday revealed…

Q&A: A Conversation with Ben Cosgrove

Who’s in the woods? In this occasional web series, we check in with members of our tribe to learn a little bit more about the work they’re doing, the life they’re leading.…

Q&A: A Conversation with Tiffany Soukup

Who’s in the woods? In this occasional web series, we check in with members of our tribe to learn a little bit more about the work they’re doing, the life they’re leading.…

The Questionnaire: A Conversation with Matt Cadreact

Cadreact Logging, located in Haverhill, New Hampshire, typically employs a five to six person crew. In 2015, they moved about 5,100 tons of firewood, 6,800 tons of sawlogs, 8,500 tons of…

A Sneak Peek

Very soon, the Autumn 2018 issue of Northern Woodlands will be out. One article you’ll find in its pages is an in-depth exploration of Big Reed Forest Reserve — The Nature…

The Questionnaire: A Conversation with Eric D’Aleo

Eric D’Aleo is a naturalist at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in Holderness, New Hampshire, where a day’s work includes such duties as coyote training, education programs, and…

Little White Sac Discovery

Recently I found something odd in the grass, and so of course I took it inside to examine under the kitchen microscope. I thought it was some sort of moth cocoon – perhaps a candidate…

A Swimming Hole in the Woods

The truck thermometer said 98 degrees in town – the hazy air thick enough you could chew it. By the time we turned off Route 7 onto a dirt road it said 93. Twenty minutes later,…

Claude G. Dern, One of a Kind

There’s been plenty said, and entire books written, about the importance of character. Any successful group, community, or society undoubtedly needs people of character in it. But life…

Words Matter

Alternative reality has become something of an art form these days in Washington; a case in point that could affect the rural Northeast involves a new labeling law the FDA is considering…