This whiplash weather we’ve been experiencing has made for some treacherous walking conditions up in our woods. A recent snow and thaw cycle produced layers of ice and powder –…
Notes from the Editor
Tree and Plant Identification Apps
Back in the old days, there were printed field guides. The more comprehensive the guide, the heavier it was to lug around the woods. People left them at home. When they were out in the woods…
A Raccoon and a Porcupine Walk into a Crevice…
In winter, raccoons will sometimes take on roommates. Shared space means shared body heat, and avoiding conflict over desirable real estate. Porcupines may also spend time together in winter…
2019 Northern Woodlands Conference Recap
Our annual Northern Woodlands Conference, held this past weekend, was a gathering of old friends and new, and an opportunity to meet with a fascinating mashup of great speakers. In lieu of the…
It’s Foliage Season, Look Down
There’s a lot to see on the forest floor in October, if you can look away from this year’s brilliant canopy display. Noticed on a recent walk: wildly variegated patches of…
Feathers and Shadow
Every winter, as we plan the next Northern Woodlands Conference, we search out a few speakers who don’t, at first glance, have much to do with northeastern forests. These…
Nary a Chilly Discourse
Driving around in September, you see walls of firewood wedged between yard trees, covered with scrap metal and ready for battle. Porch racks are piled high, and in many rural towns, people are…
Last Call For Monarchs
We recently received this photo for the August readers’ photo gallery, along with this explanation from Bonnie Honaberger: “I found this chrysalis on the ground, thus the straight…
Bats on the Wing
Yesterday evening, a bat found its way into the Northern Woodlands building and flew into my office. It careened around the room for several revolutions and then (as far as I know) found its…
The Loons of Lyford Pond
Recently, subscriber Diana Hayes encountered a group from the Vermont Loon Conservation Project at Quimby Camp in Averill, Vermont. Diana was pleased to see biologist Eric Hanson in this…