Back in the late 1990s I had a friend who had a dog who hated Teletubbies – those large, fuzzy creatures that were part of a once-popular kid’s television show. Now, how could a…
Our Common Home
I was raised Catholic and followed the protocol closely up through Confirmation and into my teenage years before I lapsed. My current relationship with the Church is like the one you might…
’Tis the Season
It’s sales season on Christmas tree farms and, borrowing from Dave Mance’s “Dispatches from the Sugarwoods” that regularly appear in this space during the spring,…
Dispatch from Deer Camp, 2017
Hunting is portrayed idyllically by those who love it – you can see it here in this beautiful PR shot from the Fish and Wildlife department. The eager young lad and the sage mentor,…
How to Release a Dog from a Trap
One of our regular magazine contributors sent me this email this week: An awful thing happened this weekend here in Plainfield. I was walking in the fields near my house with my little dog…
Firewood Method
It’s probably safe to assume that most readers of this magazine are well aware that firewood needs to be reasonably dry before it’s burned, and that it’s a pain to move, so…
For Once, an Actual Editor’s Blog
A writer who’d recently had a piece of writing rejected by a magazine once told me that the experience was like walking into an interview and being asked: “I’m thinking of a…
Building a Movement
Harvard Forest released a report last week that’s been grabbing headlines – you can read it here. The big news is that between 1990 and 2010, New England lost 24,000 acres of…
Doing it Right
We’ve been rebuilding a major section of one of our sugarbushes this summer with the idea that this time we’re going to do it right. We first started building this particular bush…
On September
Some months, like some people, have a very strong sense of who and what they are. May is spring. July and August are summer. October is fall. January, February are winter. If these months had…