For focus, exercise, and pleasant distraction, scientist Declan McCabe takes frequent walks along Vermont's Winooski River. The brief trips provide solitude, grounding, and an opportunity…
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How to Look at a Bird $18.99
Open Your Eyes to the Joy of Watching and Knowing Birds Bestselling author and acclaimed nature illustrator Clare Walker Leslie invites beginning birdwatchers to hone their observational…
How to Love a Forest $28.99
The Bittersweet Work of Tending a Changing World What does it mean to love a forest? Only those who love trees should cut them, writes forester Ethan Tapper. In How to Love a Forest, he asks:…
The Hidden Company That Trees Keep $29.95
Life from Treetops to Root Tips You can tell a lot about a tree from the company it keeps. James Nardi guides you through the innermost unseen world that trees share with a wondrous array of…
A Literary Field Guide to Northern Appalachia $24.95
Northern Appalachia is one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth and home to a broad range of ecological and human cultures. With A Literary Field Guide to Northern Appalachia, editors Todd…
A Guide to Forest Carbon in the Northeast $7.00
In spring 2024, Northern Woodlands worked with Charlie Levesque and Alexandra Kosiba to publish A Guide to Forest Carbon in the Northeast. The guide includes the four forest carbon articles…
This is a Book for People Who Love Mushrooms $16.00
By Meg Madden For amateur mycologists and experienced foragers alike, this delightful guide acts as a welcome to the wonderful world of mushrooms. From the most common and recognizable…
Mushrooms of the Northeast $16.95
A Simple Guide to Common Mushrooms Learn more about wild mushrooms! Hundreds of full-color photos with easy-to-understand text make this a great visual guide to learning about more than 400…
A Landowner’s Guide to Managing Your Woods $19.95
How to Maintain a Small Acreage for Long-Term Health, Biodiversity, and High-Quality Timber Production, by Anne Larkin Hansen, Mike Severson, and Dennis L. Waterman Make the most of your…
The Woodland Homestead $19.95
How to Make Your Land More Productive and Live More Self-Sufficiently in the Woods Brett McLeod’s The Woodland Homestead gives you all the tools and information you need to sustainably…
Attracting Native Pollinators $29.95
A complete action plan to protect bees, wasps, butterflies, moths, flies, and some beetles by providing flowering habitat and nesting sites. With the recent decline of the European honey bee,…
The Outside Story, Volume 2 $19.95
How do trees fight beavers? Why do trout have spots? Are there ten coyotes howling, or just two? If robins migrate, how come they’re at my feeder this winter? The Outside Story is a…
Season’s Main Events Day Calendar $14.95
Celebrate nature every day of the year with the Northern Woodlands perpetual Northeast calendar. It measures 5”/5”, spiral-bound at the top, it can stand like a pup tent on a…
Monarchs and Milkweed $29.95
A Migrating Butterfly, a Poisonous Plant, and Their Remarkable Story of Coevolution Monarch butterflies are one of nature's most recognizable creatures, known for their bright colors and…
Naturally Curious: Day by Day $29.95
A Photographic Field Guide and Daily Visit to the Forests, Fields, and Wetlands of Eastern North America, by Mary Holland This follow-up to Naturally Curious is a day-by-day account of nature…
New England’s Roadside Ecology $24.95
Explore 30 of the Region's Unique Natural Areas New England’s Roadside Ecology guides you through 30 spectacular natural sites, all within an easy walk from the road. The sites…
Mammals of the North Woods $18.95
A Handy Field Reference to Northern Mammals From the massive moose to the miniscule mole, 68 species of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan mammals are described in vivid detail by mammalogist…
Identifying Ferns the Easy Way $10.95
A Pocket Guide to Common Ferns of the Northeast An easy-to-use guide for fern lovers by environmental educator, tracker and consulting forester Lynn Levine. This paperback includes 28 common…
Camera Trapping Guide $29.95
Tracks, Signs, and Behavior of Eastern Wildlife Using a specially made, inexpensive and rugged heat- and motion-detecting camera, you can view wildlife up close. Camera Trapping Guide gives…
The Animal Adventurer’s Guide $17.95
50 Activities to Get Wild With Animals Have you ever followed animal tracks in the mud or chased after the glowing trail of a firefly in the night sky? Want to know how to hold a snake, feed a…