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From the Center

From the Center

Times are tough. There’s absolutely no getting around it. Job losses, foreclosures, an anxious nation that’s holding its breath waiting to see how bad it’s going to get. Facing those…

From the Center

Fifteen winters ago, Virginia Barlow and I were hatching the idea for this publication. We were busily meeting with foresters, industry associations, environmental groups, and government…

From the Center

What’s in a name? With Northern Woodlands as the flagship program of an organization officially named the Center for Woodlands Education, there has been some confusion over the different…

From the Center

There’s been a great deal of talk about the economic stimulus package, and specifically about the checks that began arriving in our mailboxes in May. I like to think of Northern Woodlands as…

From the Center

It’s my pleasure to tell you about a special honor bestowed by the Fairbanks Museum in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on the founders of Northern Woodlands. Steve Long and Ginny Barlow received…

From the Center

If you’re in a fishing boat on Lake Champlain, the boundary between New York and Vermont can seem quite blurry, so blurry that fishermen from either state can fish anywhere on the lake…

From the Center

At the end of this column in the last issue, we reported that we had subscribers in 48 states, and that in order to make it a perfect 50, all we needed were subscribers from Louisiana and…

From the Center

Northern Woodlands magazine has come a long way in the 13 years since we launched its predecessor, Vermont Woodlands. Our first issue was published in June 1994. It was a slim 28 pages,…

From the Center

I serve on Northern Woodlands’ Board of Directors, and the reason is quite simple. I fully embrace the mission of the organization: “To encourage a culture of forest stewardship in…

From the Center

I’ve had an attraction to forests for a long time. It’s right there in my high school yearbook: “I will be studying forestry at ….” After college, I thought I…