The first time I met most of the CNWE board of directors was at a summer board retreat at Seyon Lodge in Groton, Vermont. Arriving late at night, I ignored the printed directions in favor of…
From the Center
Regular Northern Woodlands magazine column by the publisher.
From the Center
I had the good fortune of having Northern Woodlands in my home during my teenage years, just as I began to seek out information about the history and ecology of northeastern forests. A summer…
Thanks to Elise
As we celebrate 30 years of publication of Northern Woodlands, we also celebrate, with thanks, Elise Tillinghast’s leadership of the Center for Northern Woodlands Education for the past…
From the Center
We’re on the morning school run. Lucy, Turner, and I are singing the family “Yerpy-derp” song, because that’s what we do when we’re stuck behind slow-moving…
From the Center
One early spring day, shortly after Northern Woodlands moved to our Lyme office, reader Joe Longacre showed up at our door with a bouquet of freshly cut pussy willows. I was touched by this…
From the Center
On page 50 of this issue, you’ll find an article by Jack Beaudoin describing an intensive training program that prepares young Mainers – some only weeks out of high school –…
From the Center
I’ve known Terry Gulick long enough that my vegetable garden, which he once admired (not for its vegetables, but its volunteer crop of purslane), has gone to grass and begotten a…
From the Center
I’ve tended to think about deer over-browsing in forests as primarily a tree regeneration problem, because that damage is easy to see. In my own woods, the sad, scraggly remains of…
From the Center
Until we began working on this issue of the magazine, I had no idea that spotted salamanders are individually distinguishable by their spots. But they are, and what you see below are five…
From the Center
Roger Damon served more than 48 years on the Mount Washington Volunteer Ski Patrol, but he didn’t know that we would be publishing a photo essay in this issue focused on the Mount…