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Knots and Bolts

An Astronomical Double-Header

April 2024 presents an opportunity to experience two rare and spectacular astronomical sightings in northern New England. A total solar eclipse will occur for the first time in our region…

Managing Vernal Pools

“If I was queen for a day, there wouldn’t be separation of terrestrial and wetland conservation,” said University of Maine’s Aram Calhoun, a dogged vernal pool advocate…

How to Grow Pussy Willows from Cuttings

As the year turns toward spring, some of the earliest flowers on the landscape are pussy willows (Salix discolor). These fuzzy catkins are a happy sight, but more important, as a designer of…

Mile-a-Minute Weed

There’s a new invasive in the Northeast, with the potential to spread rapidly in fields and forest clearings. Mile-a-minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata) is an annual vine that lives up…

Double-crested Cormorants in Breeding Season

In the Northeast, if you don’t live on the coast or in one of a few inland locations where double-crested cormorants breed, you will probably only see these large birds as they pass…

The Battle to Save Hemlock

For such a tiny creature, hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) can cause a remarkable amount of devastation. This non-native, aphidlike insect sucks the nutrients out of hemlock trees, and –…

Horned Larks Seeking Seeds

The horned lark (Eremophila alpestris), so named for its tiny feather tufts resembling miniature devil horns, is the only true lark species native to North America. These birds nest on…

Planting for the Future at Hoffman Evergreen Reserve

At Hoffman Evergreen Preserve in Stonington, Connecticut, southern trees are growing in forest clearings. Where dense stands of hemlock once shadowed the ground, the terminal buds of loblolly…

Naming Mountains with PeakFinder

There is nothing that can match the feeling of being on a mountain summit, standing on what seems like the top of the world. Here – with peaks and valleys stretching into forever –…

How to Make an Owl Box

For an owl, choosing the perfect place to nest is a balancing act. It’s not just about finding a hole in a tree or the side of a barn. The entry must be big enough to let the owl and its…

Fly Agarics Fruiting

The yellow orange fly agaric (Amanita muscaria var. formosa) is common in the Northeast, especially where conifers grow. While this mushroom is often a bright red color in much of its range…

A New Champion in New York

How Big Trees Help Promote Environmental Awareness

Arborist Fred Breglia has a lifelong fascination with big trees. As a child, he often heard his mother speak about a great oak tree near their home in the Catskill Mountains. When he was old…

How to Grow Milkweed for Monarchs

For those of us who worry about the decline of monarch butterflies, milkweed species have special status as the butterflies’ obligate larval hosts. Early autumn – as the pods of…

Maine Moose Hunt

During the summer, in addition to stocking five cords of firewood for the colder months, I spent time preparing for an autumn moose hunt in the forest of northern Maine. My hunting companion…

A New Disease

Beech bark disease, a complex ailment involving a scale insect and two species of Nectria fungi, arrived in North America more than a century ago. The disease complex kills large beech trees,…

A Treasure Seeker’s Guide to Ponding

I love a good treasure hunt. I’m not talking about a quest to find buried gold, but the dip and pull of my ponding net. I delight in each search and sort, finding gems such as green…

The Wood Whisperer

For wood sculptor Danielle Rose Byrd, the creative process is much like a conversation, an intuitive back-and-forth with the block of wood she will carve into a work of art. She considers the…

Osprey Objective: An Empty Nest

Young ospreys usually remain at or near their nest for at least 10 days after they can fly, and their parents continue to bring fish to them. When the young are roughly 3 months old, their…

The Wizardry and Weaknesses of Cornell’s Merlin Bird ID

When you see an unfamiliar bird, do you reach for a book … or your smartphone? For many of us, it’s the latter. There’s a profusion of bird-identification apps available,…

It’s All in the Family at Dewy Meadows Farm

Dewy Meadows Farm in northeastern Pennsylvania has experienced many changes during the past two centuries. One constant, however, is the Dewing family, which has owned this 500-acre parcel…