As the markets and utilization forester for Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Sean Mahoney’s professional duties range from supporting community wood banks to…
Alissa Wetherbee: Leading Axe Women Loggers of Maine
Alissa Wetherbee grew up exploring and working in the woods on Maine’s Mount Desert Island – home of Acadia National Park. In her early 20s, Alissa discovered logging sports…
Forest Foraging with Ari Rockland-Miller and Jenna Antonino DiMare
Jenna Antonino DiMare and Ari Rockland-Miller have been exploring the woods since they were children. Originally from western Massachusetts’ Pioneer Valley, the married couple met in…
Working Lands Conservation with Wendy Ward
A lifelong resident of Keene, New Hampshire, Wendy Ward has held a love and curiosity for the natural world for as long as she remembers. For the past 29 years she’s worked with the…
Seeking Mindfulness in the Outdoors with Ryan Heck
Ryan Heck started college as an environmental sciences major, but an elective class shifted his focus toward social work and human services. As someone who turns to the natural world to find…
Laurie Dirkx Captures Wildlife in Photographs
Laurie Dirkx grew up a few minutes’ drive from the city of Rochester, New York, and has always been drawn to the quiet of the natural world and to animals – both wild and domestic.…
Striving Toward Environmental Access with Amara Ifeji
Amara Ifeji has a unique perspective on the outdoors and environmental education – and the importance of access to those arenas. She is a first-generation American, a Mainer, and…
Documenting Natural Resources and Interesting Insects with Charley Eiseman
Charley Eiseman grew up in central Massachusetts, surrounded by woods, with a small pond nearby. He credits that setting, and his mother’s long involvement in conservation work, for his…
Into the Vermont Woods with Lisa Sausville
Growing up in Stamford, Connecticut, Lisa Sausville reveled in trips to her family’s retreat near a working dairy farm once owned by her great-grandparents in a rural part of the state.…
Exploring New England’s Stone Walls with Robert Thorson
A child of the Midwest, Robert “Thor” Thorson loved the lakes and forests of that region from an early age. Although he started his career as a geologist in Alaska – with a…